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All of the common (and not-so-common) answers to questions we see are here. It’s often the fastest path to finding an answer!%s. Testing for an existing conflict is the best start for in-depth troubleshooting. We will often ask you to follow these steps when opening a new thread, so doing this ahead of time will be super helpful.%s. There are very few issues we haven’t seen and it’s likely another user has already asked your question and gotten an answer from our support staff. While posting to the help desk is open only to paid customers, they are open for anyone to search and review.%s:%s: A complete look at the features you can expect to see right out of the box as well as how to use them.%s: A thorough walkthrough of The Events Calendar and the settings that are available to you.%s: An overview of the default templates and styles that are included in the plugin, as well as how to change them.%s: Code and guides for customizing your calendar in useful and interesting ways.%s: Do you see an issue with your calendar? Go here first to find where it’s coming from and how to fix it.%s: Our most comprehensive outline for customizing the calendar to suit your needs, including custom layouts and styles.Åland Islands(Event Tickets Plus)(click here for details)(do not override)(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)+ %d More+ %d More+ Google Map0 = zoomed out; 21 = zoomed in.1 import was scheduled.1 month1 year2 years2018 user surveyThe Events Calendar Annual Survey: share your feedback with our team—%1$s!2018 user surveytake the survey now24 hours3 months3 years6 months72 hours9 months: Selected %d rows: Selected 1 row: activate to sort column ascending: activate to sort column descending%1$s requires PHP %2$s or higher.%1$s require PHP %2$s or higher.Looking for more immediate support? We offer %1$s with the purchase of any of our premium plugins (like %2$s). Pick up a license and you can post there directly and expect a response within 24-48 hours during weekdays.Looking for more immediate support? We offer %s with the purchase of any of our premium plugins. Pick up a license and you can post there directly and expect a response within 24-48 hours during weekdaysA fully designed and styled theme for your events pages.A list of links to the term own, archive and parent REST URLA message to indicate there are no upcoming events.There are no upcoming %1$s.A new look for The Events Calendar is here!A problem stopped the time zone update process from completing. Please refresh and try again.A record already exists with these settings, %1$s.A required parameter is missing or an input parameter is in the wrong formatA sorted array of all the numeric values for the costA valid license has been entered by your network administrator.A valid license key is required for support and updatesA venue with the specified post ID does not exist.A warning was generated while fetching the results from your import:API KeysAbbreviation for the kilometers unit of measurekmAbbreviation for the miles unit of measuremiAccent ColorAccess more event sources and automatic imports!Action-based LoggerActivate %sActivate Block Editor for EventsActivate PluginActiveActive Users:Add %sAdd Button TextAdd Description...Add HTML after event contentAdd HTML before event contentAdd NewAdd New %sAdd New %s CategoryAdd New Aggregator RecordAdd another %sAdd me to the listAdd more sourcesAdd tickets and RSVP to any postAdd to Google CalendarAdditional FunctionalityAdditional viewsAddress separator, Address:Adjust AppearanceAdjust LabelAdvanced Post ManagerAfghanistanAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlgeriaAllAll %sAll %s CategoriesAll Aggregator RecordsAll DayAll Day EventAll SolutionsAll calendar and event pagesAll data present within a CSV or ICS file and external URLs (for events, venues, organizers, and tickets)All dayAll day label for eventAll dayAll information (data) is retained in the local database indefinitely, unless otherwise deleted.All items on this page were selected. All of our premium events management plugins at a deep discount.All scheduled imports are currently suspended, and no events will be imported.Already InstalledAmerican SamoaAn Array containing the lineage of where this event comes from, this should not change after the event is created.An Array containing the lineage of where this organizer comes from, this should not change after the organizer is created.An Unknown error occurredAn array of each component of the event end dateAn array of each component of the event end date in UTC timeAn array of each component of the event start dateAn array of each component of the event start date in UTC timeAn email marketing solution for events and the people running themAn event category with the specified term ID does not exist.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (12-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (24-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 23.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (am/pm) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.An event having a post meta value of `%s` meridian is not valid. Make sure it is either `am` or `pm`, or remove it entirely if using the 24-hour format.An event having a post meta value of `%s` minutes is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 59.An event tag with the specified term ID does not exist.An event with the specified ID does not exist.An invalid frequency was used when trying to create this scheduled import.An invalid import type was used when trying to create this import record.An organizer with the specified event does not exist.And if you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine.AndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaAppends the time zone to the end of event scheduling information – this can be useful when you have events in numerous different time zones.ApplyAprAprilArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmeniaArubaAsk the site administrator to edit the %s slugAsynchronousAttendee reportsAugAugustAustraliaAustriaAuthorize PromoterAutomate email touchpointsAutomated imports for your calendarAutomatically import your eventsAvailable %sAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBeautiful display options for your favorite photos.BelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBlue SteelBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowse ExtensionsBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBulk ActionsBurkina FasoBurundiButton ColorBuy Event AggregatorBuy Event Aggregator to access more event sources and automatic imports!By date rangeBy number of eventsCôte d'IvoireCSVCSV FileCSV Import SettingsCalendarCalendar Date Bar ColorCalendar Header ColorCalendar Highlight ColorCalendar Table ColorCalendar of %sCalendar powered by %sCalendars, ticketing, and powerful WordPress tools to manage your events from start to finish.CaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCannot look for Terms without a taxonomyCannot set %s as the current logging engineCape VerdeCategoryCategory:Cayman IslandsCentral African RepublicCertain data may be exported or removed upon users’ requests via the existing Exporter or Eraser. Please note, however, that several “edge cases” exist in which we are unable to perfect the gathering and export of all data for your end users. We suggest running a search in your local database, as well as within the WordPress Dashboard, in order to identify all data collected and stored for your specific user requests.ChadChange "Events" to "Webinars," or "Venues" to "Livestream," or "Organizers" to "Hosts." Tailor your calendar for virtual events and meetings.Change Event Update AuthorityCheck our KnowledgebaseCheck out Event Aggregator.Check out our %s for developers.Check out our suite of add-onsCheck out the %savailable add-ons%s.Check out the guideCheck this box if you wish to override the network license key with your ownCheck to enable maps for events and venues.Check your license keyChileChinaChoose FileChoose File:Choose a CSV fileChoose a page template to control the appearance of your calendar and event content.Choose a status for the event(s) to be imported with and/or define an Event Category to automatically assign. An assigned category will be added to the event in addition to any Event Categories from the import source.Choose where you are importing from.Choosing a UTC timezone for your site or individual events may cause problems when importing events or with Daylight Saving Time. %1$sChristmas IslandCity:ClearClear Selection.Click hereClick this button to update your database and take advantage of additional time zone capabilities. Please configure WordPress to use the correct time zone before clicking this button!Click to toggle datepickerClick to view a Google MapClose this dialog windowClose this modal windowCocos (Keeling) IslandsCollectivity of Saint MartinColombiaColoradoColumn Mapping:Community EventsCommunity Manager BundleCommunity TicketsComorosComparison validation failed because no comparison value was provided, for field %sCompleted!Configurable set of filtersConfigure SettingsConfirmConfirm your upgradeCongoCongo, Democratic Republic of theConnect to EventbriteConnect to MeetupConnected to %sConnecticutConnection timed out while transferring the feed. If you are dealing with large feeds you may need to customize the tribe_aggregator_connection_timeout filter.Contact your Host or your system administrator and ask to upgrade to the latest version of PHP.Content Type:Continue ReadingCook IslandsCopy the provided url into this field to import the events into your WordPress site.Copy to clipboardCost range separator – Cost:Costa RicaCould not delete post with ID Could not process queue for Import Record %1$d: %2$sCould not save %s.Country List must be formatted as one country per line in the following format:
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom.Country:Create New %sCreate a strong call-to-action for attendees to "Join Webinar" instead of only sharing a website address.Create an EventCreate or Find a VenueCreate or Find an OrganizerCreate, run and manage Event Aggregator imports.Create: <%= term %>Created:Credentials have been savedCroatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)Cron-basedCubaCuraçaoCurrency Symbol:Currency symbol follows valueCurrency symbol positionAfter costCurrency symbol positionBefore costCurrent PageCurrent usageCustomCustom ColorCustom Venue LinksCustom attendee registration fieldsCustom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom registration fieldsCustomizableCustomizable ticket templateCustomize email templatesCustomizer static front page settingMain %s PageCustomizing the Events pluginsCyprusCzech RepublicDateDate out of range.Date time separatorDate:DayDebug Bar PluginDebug modeDecDecemberDeep SeaDefaultDefault (uses temporary files)Default Event CategoryDefault Events TemplateDefault Page TemplateDefault StatusDefault currency symbolDefault stylesheet used for events templatesDefault viewDelawareDeleteDelete “%s” permanentlyDelete PermanentlyDelete thisDeleted Attachment: %dDeletes a venue and returns its dataDeletes an event and returns its dataDeletes an event category and returns its dataDeletes an event tag and returns its dataDeletes an organizer and returns its dataDenmarkDetailsDig deeperDisable Event Aggregator importsDisabledDisclaimer:DisconnectDisplayDistrict of ColumbiaDjiboutiDo Not ImportDo more with Eventbrite TicketsDo not limit (not recommended)Do not re-import events. Changes made locally will be preserved.DominicaDominican RepublicDoneDownloadDownload .ics fileDownload logDownload our Events Gutenberg extension and start using the block editor on your events!During scheduled import, the limit of HTTP requests was reached and the import was rescheduled.Each paid add-on has its own unique license key. Paste the key into its appropriate field below, and give it a moment to validate. You know you're set when a green expiration date appears alongside a "valid" message. Then click Save Changes.East TimorEcuadorEditEdit %sEdit %s CategoryEdit Aggregator RecordEdit ImportEdit VenueEdit the %s slugEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail notificationsEmail:Empty data set for this dropdownEnable MapsEnable Time Zone supportEnable WordPress Custom Fields on events in the classic editor.Enable comments on event pages.Enable event viewsEnable the Gutenberg block editor interface for creating events.Enable the Month View CacheEnd DateEnd of day cutoffEnd:EnglishEnsure result set exclude specific IDsEnter Event Aggregator LicenseEnter Keyword. Search for %s by Keyword.Enter a 0 for %s that are free or leave blank to hide the field.Enter an Eventbrite event URL, e.g. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/example-12345Enter the separator that will be placed between the date and time, when both are shown.Enter the separator that will be used between the start and end time of an event.Enter the url for a Facebook group or page. You can also enter the url of a single Facebook event.Enter the url for a Meetup group, page, or individual. You can also enter the url of a single Meetup event.Enter the url for the Google Calendar feed you wish to import.Enter the url for the calendar, website, or event you would like to import. Event Aggregator will attempt to import events at that location.Enter the url for the iCalendar feed you wish to import, e.g. https://central.wordcamp.org/calendar.icsEquatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError restoring from Ignored Events.Error, a unknown bug happened and it was impossible to migrate the Legacy Ignored Events, try again later.Error: %d scheduled import was not %s.Error: we were not able to migrate your Facebook Events settings to Event Aggregator. Please try again later.Error: we were not able to migrate your iCal Importer settings to Event Aggregator. Please try again later.EstoniaEthiopiaEventEvent %d: %sEvent Add-OnsEvent AggregatorEvent Aggregator ControlEvent Aggregator System StatusEvent Aggregator cannot import events because this site is running an outdated version of The Events Calendar.Event Aggregator cannot import events from this site.Event Aggregator cannot reach Meetup.com because you exceeded the request limit for your Meetup API key.Event Aggregator includes a new, better system for removing unwanted imported events from your calendar. Click the button below to transition previously deleted events. This process will remove unwanted records from your database and include recent or upcoming trashed events in your Ignored archive.Event Aggregator server has blocked your request. Please try your import again later or contact support to know why.Event Aggregator will try to fetch %s events starting from the current date or the specified date;Event Aggregator will try to fetch events starting within the next %s from the current date or the specified date;Event Allow CommentsEvent Allow Trackbacks and PingbacksEvent BlocksEvent CategoriesEvent CategoryEvent CostEvent Currency PositionEvent Currency SymbolEvent Date and TimeEvent Date:Event DescriptionEvent Details Background ColorEvent End DateEvent End TimeEvent ExcerptEvent Featured ImageEvent Importer BundleEvent LogEvent NameEvent OrganizerEvent Organizer Name(s) or ID(s)Event OrganizersEvent Show MapEvent Show Map LinkEvent Start DateEvent Start TimeEvent Sticky in Month ViewEvent Submission FormEvent TagsEvent TicketsEvent Tickets PlusEvent Time ZoneEvent TitleEvent Title ColorEvent Update AuthorityEvent VenueEvent Venue NameEvent WebsiteEvent cannot be synced to Eventbrite because we received an error from Eventbrite.Event information: website, cost, description, date, time, imageEvent not owned, you cannot edit it.Event, Venue, and Organizer InformationEventbriteEventbrite AuthenticationEventbrite Import SettingsEventbrite Ticket information: name, description, cost, type, quantityEventbrite TicketsEventbrite event not found.Eventbrite organizer not found.Eventbrite parsed object ID is empty.Eventbrite parsed object is empty.Eventbrite parsed object type is empty.Eventbrite sync data invalid.Eventbrite token is not valid.Eventbrite user not found.Eventbrite venue not found.EventsEvents Aggregator RecordEvents Calendar PROEvents Calendar ProEvents Happening NowEvents ImportEvents Marketing BundleEvents TicketsEvents Tickets is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily sell tickets for your events.Events URL slugEvents cannot be imported because Eventbrite has returned an error. This could mean that the event ID does not exist, the event or source is marked as Private, or the event or source has been otherwise restricted by Eventbrite. You can read more about Eventbrite restrictions in our knowledgebase.Events cannot be imported because we received an error from Eventbrite: Events cannot be imported because we received an error from Facebook: Events could not be imported. Event Aggregator does not yet support events from that URL. We have noted your request and will review it for support in the future.Events could not be imported. The Events Calendar REST API is disabled on the requested URL.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned an empty archive page.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned empty event data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data in regard to the total number of events.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching an archive page.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the archive control data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the event data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the total number of events.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could not be reached.Events could not be imported. The URL provided did not have events in the proper format.Events could not be imported. The import parameters were invalid.Events on or afterEvents should be assigned one of the specified categories slugs or IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified organizer IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified tags slugs or IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified venue IDsEvents should be filtered by their featured statusEvents should be filtered by their post_parent being the specified one.Events should contain the specified string in the title or descriptionEvents templateEvents will be imported with the same timezone as defined on eventbrite.com. You can make use of The Events Calendar'sEvents will be imported with the time zone defined by the source. If no time zone is specified, events will be assigned your site's default time zone ( seeEvergreenEvery %d MinutesExisting calendar customizations will be overridden.Existing theme overrides that may need revision:Expired license keys and subscriptionsExpired license. Consult your network administrator.Export %sExport EventsExtensionsExtensions are quick solutions our team came up with to solve specific issues you may need. (Note - extensions are not covered by our support team.)F jF j, YFREEFacebook EventsFailed to import record in row %d.Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFavorite ImportsFeature EventFeaturedFeatured Highlight ColorFeatured events are highlighted on the front end in views, archives, and widgets.Features overviewFebFebruaryFetch source event's settings (e.g. Show Maps Link or Sticky in Month View) when importing from another site using The Events Calendar.Field ID:FijiFill your calendar with events from across the web, including Google Calendar, Meetup, and more.FilterFilter BarFilter Bar ColorFilter By FrequencyFilter By OriginFilter category, price, and moreFilter distance (for Events Calendar Pro)FiltersFind %sFind a VenueFind an OrganizerFinding & extending your calendar.Finding your calendar.FinlandFirst pageFloridaFor classic editorFor displayed URLsFor the best results, import venue and organizer files before importing event files.FranceFreeFree extensions to power up your pluginsFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFriFridayFrom registration to attendance history, view every step of the event lifecycle with this HubSpot integration.Full debug (all events)GabonGambiaGeneralGeneral ThemeGermanyGetting More HelpGetting Started GuideGetting SupportGhanaGibraltarGlobalGlobal ElementsGlobal Import SettingsGlobal configurations for the styling of The Events CalendarGo check out your new calendar designs! Each calendar view has been updated, so feel free to enable views you may not have been using. If necessary, you can revert back to the legacy calendar views in the Display tab of your Event Settings.Go to Settings > Calendars and select the calendar you wish to import.Go to WordPress Updates pageGo to plugins pageGoogle CalendarGoogle Calendar Import SettingsGoogle Maps APIGoogle Maps API keyGoogle Maps default zoom levelGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHH:MMHaitiHandle event submissions with ticket sales and everything you need to build a robust community.Has %sHas featured %sHave an event that runs past midnight? Select a time after that event's end to avoid showing the event on the next day's calendar.HawaiiHeard and McDonald IslandsHello,HelpHelp users find exactly the right eventHelpful Links:Helpful ResourcesHere is the iCal feed URL for your events:Hi, %1$s! This is an invitation to help our %2$s community. If you opt-in, some data about your usage of %2$s will be shared with our teams (so they can work their butts off to improve). We will also share some helpful info on events management, WordPress, and our products from time to time.Hide & IgnoreHide Event From Event ListingsHide FiltersHide From %s ListingsHide and Ignore “%s”Hide the following settings tabs on every site:HistoryHoly See (Vatican City State)HondurasHong KongHorizontal or verticalHow Long You Retain this DataHungaryI'm not readyICSICS FileICS File Import SettingsIcelandIdahoIf all goes according to plan, you will have your preview in a few moments.If required the commands will use the API keys and licenses set for the current site.If the Featured highlight color is set to Custom, the following color will be used:If this event is re-imported, event fields that have not been changed locally will be overwritten with any changes from the source.If this event is re-imported, event fields will be overwritten with any changes from the source.If you are familiar with HTML, you can add additional code after the event template. Some themes may require this to help with styling or layout.If you are familiar with HTML, you can add additional code before the event template. Some themes may require this to help with styling or layout.If you create, submit, import, save, or publish Event, Venue, or Organizer information, such information is retained in the local database:If you do not add your own API key, the built-in API key will always populate this field and some map-related functionality will be limited If you have a valid license for one of our paid plugins, you can %s in our premium support forums. Our support team monitors the forums and will respond to your thread within 24-48 hours (during the week).If you have any template overrides, custom calendar CSS, or other code customizations to your calendar, those modifications will be overridden by the new designs.If you have extended our plugin(s) to send data to a third-party service such as Eventbrite, Google Maps, or PayPal, user information may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad.If you have tried the above steps and are still having trouble, you can post a new thread to our %s. Our support staff monitors these forums once a week and would be happy to assist you there.If you have tried the above steps and are still having trouble, you can post a new thread to our WordPress.org forums for %1$s or %2$s. Our support staff monitors these forums once a week and would be happy to assist you there. If you want to stop and clear current asynchronous import processes %1$s.If you've purchased a premium add-on, you'll need to enter your license key here in order to have access to automatic updates when new versions are available.IgnoredIgnored (%s)Ignored (%s)Ignored events do not show on the calendar but can be updated with future importsIgnored events that are deleted will be removed permanently. They can be recreated via import.IllinoisImage Widget PlusImportImport & export eventsImport AllImport All (%d)Import Checked (%d)Import Date Range LimitImport Event SettingsImport Limit TypeImport Name:Import Origin:Import Process SystemImport Quantity LimitImport ServicesImport SourceImport Type:Import complete!Import completedImport createdImport events but preserve local changes to event fields.Import events directly from a public Eventbrite.com URL. Please note that only Live events (i.e. published events) can be imported via URL.Import events directly from your connected Eventbrite.com account or from a public Eventbrite.com URL.Import failedImport from EventbriteImport from Eventbrite URLImport from your Eventbrite accountImport is completeImport origin data (URL from where events are being imported—such as Eventbrite, MeetUp, other compatible URL sources, and more, which can include similar or same data as listed above)Import pendingImport previewImport queuedImport records must be finalized before posts can be inserted.Import runs daily at approximatelyImport runs monthly on dayImport runs weekly onImport scheduleImported EventImporting Events, Venues, and Organizers:ImportsIn a locationIn order to register a plugin license, you'll first need to %1$sdownload and install%2$s the plugin you purchased. You can download the latest version of your plugin(s) from %3$syour account's downloads page%4$s. Once the plugin is installed and activated on this site, the license key field will appear below.Include events in main blog loopInclude events with one of the post IDs specified in the array of CSV list, date filters will be ignored.IncludesIndefinite article for the phrase "Find a {post type name}" when the {post type name} starts with a vowel, e.g. "Find an Organizer".anIndefinite article for the phrase "Find a {post type name}. Will be replaced with "an" if the {post type name} starts with a vowel.aIndiaIndianaIndonesiaInformation about recent template changes and potentially impacted template overrides is provided below.Initializing Tribe Events on %sInstall %sInstall PluginIntegrated with your events on EventbriteInvalid Eventbrite URLInvalid Facebook URLInvalid FrequencyInvalid KeyInvalid Meetup URLInvalid credential save nonceInvalid credential save requestInvalid data provided for CSV import.Invalid field type specifiedInvalid or incomplete field passedIowaIran, Islamic Republic ofIraqIrelandIsraelIt appears as if the tribe-common libraries cannot be found! The directory should be in the "common/" directory in the events calendar plugin.It looks like you are using our legacy plugin, %1$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugin plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s.It looks like you are using our legacy plugins, %1$s and %2$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugins plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s and %2$s.It looks like you're using %1$s, but the license key is invalid. Please download the latest version %2$sfrom your account%3$s.It looks like you're using %1$s, but the license keys are invalid. Please download the latest versions %2$sfrom your account%3$s.ItalyJamaicaJanJanuaryJapanJordanJulJulyJump to the %1$snext upcoming %2$s%3$s.JunJuneKansasKazakhstanKeep the Core Plugin %sFREE%s!Keep this list of links on hand and stay subscribed to receive tips and tricks about The Events Calendar products.KentuckyKenyaKeyKeyword(s)Keywords:KiribatiKnowledgebaseKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwaitKyrgyzstanLagoonLao People's Democratic RepublicLast ImportLast Import:Last pageLatest Import:Latest Past %sLatest Version:LatviaLearn MoreLearn moreLearn more about the upgradeLearn more.LebanonLesothoLet's go!LiberiaLibyaLicense & UsageLicense KeyLicense Key Status:License key(s) updated.LicensesLicenses for MultisitesLiechtensteinLightboxLimit result set to specific IDsLimit result set to terms assigned to a specific event (an alias of the "post" parameter)Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parentLimit result set to terms assigned to a specific postLimit result set to terms with a specific slugLimit results to those matching a stringLimit the number of imported events by number, date range, or not at all; on slower websites this may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period or a smaller number of events may improve results.Limited connectivity with EventbriteLimited connectivity with MeetupLink Directly to WebinarLinksList-style ViewsLithuaniaLoading %sLoading view.Loading...LocationLocation:Log into EventbriteLog into FacebookLog into MeetupLogging levelLooking for Something Special?Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, custom meta, community events, ticket sales and more?Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views and more?Looks like you are using Gutenberg on this WordPress installation. %1$sLouisianaLuxembourgM j, Y @ G:iMacauMadagascarMain date and time display on views and single event pagesMaineMalachiteMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaManageManage Active PluginsManage ticketing and RSVPsManage tickets from WordPressMap PinMarMarchMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMassachusettsMauritaniaMauritiusMayMayotteMeetupMeetup AuthenticationMeetup Import SettingsMerge DuplicatesMeridian: amAMMeridian: pmPMMetabox titleLocationMethodMexicoMichiganMicronesia, Federated States ofMigrate Legacy Ignored EventsMigrate iCal Importer settingsMigrating events from another calendar?Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post failed to be migrated.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts failed to be migrated.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post was migrated but %d failed. To see the migrated event you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts were migrated but %d failed. To see the migrated events you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post was migrated successfully. To see the migrated event you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts were migrated successfully. To see the migrated events you will first need to refresh this screen.MinnesotaMissing data source for this dropdownMissing required fields in row %d.MississippiMissouriMoldova, Republic ofMonMonacoMondayMonetize your eventsMongoliaMontanaMontenegroMonth ViewMonth and year formatMonth view events per dayMontserratMore...MoroccoMove to trash events older thanMoving your license keysMozambiqueMulti-Image SupportMultiple viewsMy %sMyanmarNames of required plugins for Community TicketsEvent Tickets Plus and Community EventsNamibiaNauruNebraskaNeed a language other than English? We've got you covered here.NepalNetherlandsNetworkNetwork SettingsNevadaNew %sNew %s Category NameNew Aggregator RecordNew CaledoniaNew HampshireNew ImportNew JerseyNew MexicoNew User PrimerNew YorkNew ZealandNew to The Events Calendar? Here's everything you need to get started.News For Events UsersNews and TutorialsNextNext %1$sNext DayNext dayNext monthNext month, %1$sNext pageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo %1$s scheduled for %2$s.No %1$s scheduled for %2$s. %3$sNo %1$s were imported or updated.No %s foundNo %s found in TrashNo Additional CategoriesNo Aggregator Records found in Trash.No Aggregator Records found.No admin access requiredNo asynchronous queue processes to clear.No checkbox options specifiedNo data available in tableNo default categoryNo description providedNo event tags match the query or the requested page was not found.No file chosenNo importer defined for %sNo license entered. Consult your network administrator.No matching %1$s listed under %2$s. Please try viewing the full calendar for a complete list of %3$s.No matching records foundNo notable changes detectedNo notable template changes detected.No previous %s No radio options specifiedNo results were found for %1$s in or near %2$s.No saved %s exists.No select options specifiedNo upcoming %1$s listed under %2$s. Check out upcoming %3$s for this category or view the full calendar.No upcoming Eventbrite events found.Non-existant field validation function passedNoneNone of your settings were saved. Please try again.Norfolk IslandNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth MacedoniaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot connected to %sNovNovemberNull logger (will log nothing)Number of events to show per pageNumeric ArrayOKORM argOctOctoberOhioOklahomaOmanOnce Every 30 MinsOne TimeOne calendar. Countless ways to make it your own.One monthOne or more of the specified query variables has a bad formatOne weekOne-Time ImportOne-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Eventbrite on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Facebook on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Meetup on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all events in the current feed, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from the feed on a set schedule.One-time imports include currently listed upcoming events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from this url on a set schedule.OngoingOnly errorsOnly includes enough css to achieve complex layouts like calendar and week view.Only scheduled import records can be edited.Open the dialog windowOpen the modal windowOptionalOptions selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" and "Global Elements" sections.Options selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" section.Order sort attribute ascending or descendingOregonOrganizerOrganizer DescriptionOrganizer EmailOrganizer Featured ImageOrganizer NameOrganizer PhoneOrganizer WebsiteOrganizer information: name, phone, website, emailOrganizersOrganizers should be related to this eventOrganizers should contain the specified string in the title, description or custom fieldsOrganizers should have events associated to themOrganizers should have upcoming events associated to themOrigin:Other URLOther URL Import SettingsOther URLsOur flagship free calendarOur website’s %s is a great place to find tips and tricks for using and customizing our plugins.Override network license keyOverwrite my event with any changes from the original source.PHP Render ContextPSST... Want a Discount?PakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayParent %s CategoryParent %s Category:Parent Aggregator Record:Past %sPaypal integrationPennsylvaniaPermanently delete events older thanPermission ErrorPeruPhilippinesPhone:PitcairnPlaceholder used for the facebook restriction linkEvents cannot be imported because Facebook has returned an error. This could mean that the event ID does not exist, the event or source is marked as Private, or the event or source has been otherwise restricted by Facebook. You can %1$s.Placeholder used for the meetup API changesMeetup is no longer supporting API keys, and will restrict access using your existing key starting from August 2019. As an alternative, you should use OAuth2 and update The Events Calendar to the latest version. Learn more at %1$sPlaceholder used for the meetup API changes link when the KEY is plainMeetup is no longer supporting API keys, and has restricted access using your existing key starting from August 2019. As an alternative, you must use OAuth2 and update The Events Calendar to the latest version. Learn more at %1$s.Please authorize to continue onboarding.Please continue to wait while your preview is generated.Please log in to continuePlease log in to enable event imports from Eventbrite.Please log in to enable event imports from Facebook.Please log in to enable event imports from Meetup.Please log out and log back in as an admin accountPlease note that all hands-on support is provided via the help desk. You can email or tweet at us… ​but we will probably point you back to the help desk 😄Please note that to create new events through the Community Events submission form, a user must hold a website account on this domain. This information is retained in the local database. It is also possible to create events anonymously, if the site owner has this option enabled.Please provide a Eventbrite URL when importing from Eventbrite.Please provide a Meetup URL when importing from Meetup.Please provide the URL that you wish to import.Please provide the file that you wish to import.Please refresh the page and try your request again.Please wait while time zone data is added to your events.Please wait while your preview is fetched.Plugin A "and" Plugin B and Plugin A"," Plugin B, Plugin ActivePlugin InactivePolandPortugalPost Title ColorPostal Code:Power up your calendar with ProPowered byPremium Add-OnsPremium supportPrevPreviewPreviousPrevious %1$sPrevious DayPrevious dayPrevious monthPrevious month, %1$sPrevious pagePrice Background ColorPrivacyProProblem loading the block, please remove this block to restart.PromoterPromoter All rights reserved.Promoter KeyPromoter would like to sync with your siteProtected: %sPublishing ControlPuerto RicoQatarQuick Links:Radius with abbreviationRadius (%s)Radius:Random ImagesRate %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s %3$sRate ItRating:Reach AttendeesRead moreRead more about deprecation of legacy views.Read moreRead more about our support policyRead more.ReadsReady to dig deeper? Our Knowledgebase can help you get the most out of The Events Calendar suite.Recent Template ChangesRecommended for all sites using the updated calendar views.Record: Records per pageRecurring eventRefine by date, location, or keywordRefine:Refresh your connection to EventbriteRefresh your connection to MeetupRegistered User SettingsRelease notesRemoving this scheduled import will stop automatic imports from the source. No events will be deleted.Renew Your License NowRenew your Event Aggregator Facebook tokenRenew your Event Aggregator licenseRenew your license in order to import events from iCalendar, Google, or Meetup.Requires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by their venue latitude location, must also provide geoloc_lngRequires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by their venue longitude location, must also provide geoloc_latRequires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by whether their venue has geolocation dataRequires:RestoreRestore “%s” from the IgnoredReturn to Plugins pageReturn to WordPress UpdatesReturns all the event categories matching the search criteriaReturns all the event tags matching the search criteriaReturns all the organizers matching the search criteriaReturns all the upcoming events matching the search criteriaReturns all the venues matching the search criteriaReturns the data of the created eventReturns the data of the created event categoryReturns the data of the created event tagReturns the data of the created organizerReturns the data of the created venueReturns the data of the event category with the specified term IDReturns the data of the event tag with the specified term IDReturns the data of the event with the specified post IDReturns the data of the organizer with the specified post IDReturns the data of the updated eventReturns the data of the updated event categoryReturns the data of the updated event tagReturns the data of the updated venueReturns the data of the venue with the specified post IDReturns the documentation for The Events Calendar REST API in Swagger consumable format.ReunionRewrite rules were purged on load of this help page. Chances are there is a rewrite rule flush occurring in a plugin or theme!Rhode IslandRight hereRomaniaRun ImportRun your own events marketplaceRussian FederationRwandaSão Tomé and PríncipeSaint BarthélemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and The GrenadinesSales reportingSamoaSan MarinoSatSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSave ChangesSave Scheduled ImportSave With A BundleSave over 20%Save over 25%Save with BundlesSchedule automated importsSchedule:Scheduled ImportScheduled ImportsScheduled import was successfully updated.Scheduled imports may not run reliablyScheduler StatusScroll down to Calendar Address and click the iCal button (note: if your calendar is private, you'll need to click the iCal button next to the Private Address header instead).SearchSearch %sSearch %s CategoriesSearch Aggregator RecordsSearch for %sSearch for eventsSearch our support help deskSearch:Segment your attendee listsSelect %sSelect AllSelect ColorSelect Content TypeSelect FrequencySelect Import TypeSelect OriginSelect SourceSelect a Country:Select a State:Select all pagesSelect date.Select how often you would like events to be automatically imported.Select the Event Field that best matches your CSV file column. The contents of that column will then be mapped to the specified event field when the event is created.Select the date format used for elements with minimal space, such as in datepickers.Select your .CSV file from the WordPress media library. You may need to first upload the file from your computer to the library.Select your ICS file from the WordPress media library. You may need to first upload the file from your computer to the library.SenegalSepSeptemberSerbiaServer ConnectionSet Font ColorsSet the default currency symbol for event costs. Note that this only impacts future events, and changes made will not apply retroactively.SettingsSettings > GeneralSettings overviewSettings saved.SeychellesShapes and lines for visual interestShortcodesShow Custom Fields metaboxShow Featured Event ImagesShow MapShow Map Link:Show Map:Show The Events Calendar linkShow _MENU_ entriesShow commentsShow events with the site's other posts. When this box is checked, events will also continue to appear on the default events page.Show map by default on imported event and venuesShow time zoneShowing 0 to 0 of 0 entriesShowing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entriesSierra LeoneSign UpSingaporeSingle EventSingle event URL slugSint MaartenSite License KeySkeleton StylesSkipped:SkyfallSlideshowSlovakia (Slovak Republic)SloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSomething went wrong while inserting the record in the database.Sorry, The Events Calendar requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP.Sorry, The Events Calendar requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install.Sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.Sorry, key validation server is not available.Sorry, unable to authenticate your site. Please contact Promoter support.Sort collection by term attributeSourceSource:South AfricaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth Georgia, South Sandwich IslandsSpainSpecify the type of content you wish to import, e.g. events.Split commission with usersSri LankaStart DateStart Date Time "to" End Date TimetoStart TimeStart an import from this source now, regardless of schedule.Start date for Eventbrite Tickets is RequiredStart your upgradeStart/End:Start:StateState or Province:Status:Step 1 of 2Step 2 of 2Sticky in Month ViewStop all Event Aggregator imports from running. Existing imported events will not be affected. Imports via CSV file will still be available.Stop current processesStreamline your email processSuccessSuccess! The settings from Facebook Events have been migrated to Event Aggregator. You can view your migrated imports on the Scheduled Imports tab.Success! The settings from iCal Importer have been migrated to Event Aggregator. You can view your migrated imports on the Scheduled Imports tab.Successfully %s %d scheduled importSuccessfully connected Event Aggregator to FacebookSuccessfully connected to EventbriteSuccessfully disconnected EventbriteSuccessfully fetched Eventbrite TokenSuccessfully fetched Facebook TokenSuccessfully loaded import originsSuccessfully marked event for import from EventbriteSuccessfully stopped and cleared 1 asynchronous queue process.Successfully stopped and cleared %d asynchronous queue processes.Successfully synced event to EventbriteSudanSuggested text:SunSundaySunshineSupportSupport for The Events CalendarSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwazilandSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicSystem InformationTEC LogoTagsTags:TaiwanTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofTemplate overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: %sTemplate overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: tribe_get_template_part('%s')Templates introduced or updated with this release (%s):Temporary file not found. Could not save %s.TennesseeTermsTest for a theme or plugin conflictTexasText ArrayThailandThank you for using %s! All of us at The Events Calendar sincerely appreciate your support and we’re excited to see you using our plugins.Thanks for activating Event Aggregator! It looks like you have some settings and imports configured on our legacy importer plugins. To complete your transition, we need to transfer those options to our new system.Thanks for installing The Events Calendar! Here are some handy resources for getting started with our plugins.Thanks for setting up a valid key. It will expire on %sThe "/page/" URL string component.pageThe "Create or Find {post type name}" label for custom linked post types that are *not* Venues or OrganizersCreate or Find %sThe "Find a {post type name}" label for custom linked post types that are *not* Venues or OrganizersFind %1$s %2$sThe %3$s "%1$s" uses the "/%2$s" slug: the Events Calendar plugin will show its calendar in place of the page.The 'categories' parameter contains invalid category slugs or IDsThe 'end_date' parameter must be in a supported formatThe 'page' parameter must be a positive integer greater than 1The 'per_page' parameter must be a positive integer greater than 1The 'search' parameter must be a stringThe 'start_date' parameter must be in a supported formatThe 'tags' parameter contains invalid tag slugs or IDsThe Action Logger will dispatch any logging message using the "tribe_log" action writing, by default, to the PHP error log.The Asynchronous import process is faster and does not rely on WordPress Cron but might not work correctly in all WordPress installations, try switching to the Cron-based process for maximum compatibility.The CSV file cannot be found. You may need to re-upload the file.The Event Aggregator API responded with bad data. Please contact support.The Events CalendarThe Events Calendar - View V2The Events Calendar ContextThe Events Calendar JSON-LD DataThe Events Calendar REST APIThe Events Calendar REST API allows accessing upcoming events information easily and conveniently.The Events Calendar brand logoThe Events Calendar comes with an API key for basic maps functionality. If you’d like to use more advanced features like custom map pins or dynamic map loads, you’ll need to get your own %1$s. %2$s.The Events Calendar could not write WPML default config file: please create the file manually.The Events Calendar is API is not providing the site origin correctly.The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events.The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.The Events Calendar logoThe Events Calendar suite offers the use of third-party API keys. The primary functions are to enhance the features we've built in, some of which use Google Maps, PayPal, Eventbrite, and Meetup. These API keys are not supplied by The Events Calendar.The Meetup API key is required.The TEC REST API link to fetch this eventThe URL provided could not be reached.The URL provided failed to load.The URL to the event pageThe URL to the full size version of the imageThe URL to the organizer pageThe URL to the term archive pageThe URL to the venue pageThe US state GeorgiaGeorgiaThe WordPress term IDThe abbreviated event time zone stringThe above setting was not saved. Other settings were successfully saved.The above settings were not saved. Other settings were successfully saved.The archive page to returnThe associated field is required.(required)The batch registered does not have all the required fields.The cost currency symbolThe countryGeorgiaThe currency symbol normally precedes the value. Enabling this option positions the symbol after the value.The current URL for your events page is %1$s.

You cannot edit the slug for your events page as you do not have pretty permalinks enabled. In order to edit the slug here, enable pretty permalinks.The current interval, in seconds, between the end of a batch process and the start of the next; as set on the server.The current status of the import.The current user cannot delete the event category with the specified term ID.The current user cannot delete the event tag with the specified term ID.The current user cannot delete the event with the specified ID.The current user cannot delete the organizer with the specified ID.The current user cannot delete the venue with the specified ID.The daily limit of %d import requests to the Event Aggregator service has been reached. Please try again later.The date dayThe date hourThe date minutesThe date monthThe date secondsThe date yearThe datepicker label when the range start is now.NowThe default event category for eventsThe default event category for events imported via .ics filesThe default event category for events imported via CSVThe default event category for events imported via EventbriteThe default event category for events imported via Google CalendarThe default event category for events imported via MeetupThe default event category for events imported via iCalendarThe default event category for events imported via other URLsThe default post status for eventsThe default post status for events imported via .ics filesThe default post status for events imported via CSVThe default post status for events imported via EventbriteThe default post status for events imported via Google CalendarThe default post status for events imported via MeetupThe default post status for events imported via iCalendarThe default post status for events imported via other URLsThe default title of the List Widget.Upcoming EventsThe details about each size available for the imageThe details of your calendar plugin and settings is often needed for you or our staff to help troubleshoot an issue. Please opt-in below to automatically share your system information with our support team. This will allow us to assist you faster if you post in our help desk.The e-mail address will be obfuscated on this site to avoid it getting harvested by spammers.The event ID is missing from the requestThe event ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe event WordPress post IDThe event author IDThe event author WordPress post IDThe event categoriesThe event category ID or nameThe event category descriptionThe event category nameThe event category slugThe event category term ID is missing or does not exist.The event category term ID is missing.The event category with the specified term ID could not be deleted.The event category with the specified term ID has been deleted already.The event costThe event cost detailsThe event cost including the currency symbolThe event could not be deletedThe event could not be updatedThe event creation date in UTC timeThe event creation date in the site time zoneThe event descriptionThe event does not have a venue assignedThe event does not have an organizer assignedThe event end date and timeThe event end date in UTC timeThe event end date in the event or site time zoneThe event excerptThe event featured image ID or URLThe event featured image details if setThe event is already trashedThe event last modification date in UTC timeThe event last modification date in the site time zoneThe event long descriptionThe event nameThe event organizer IDs or dataThe event organizersThe event post ID is missing or does not exist.The event post ID is missing.The event post statusThe event publication dateThe event publication date (UTC time zone)The event short descriptionThe event slugThe event start date and timeThe event start date in UTC timeThe event start date in the event or site time zoneThe event statusThe event tag ID or nameThe event tag descriptionThe event tag nameThe event tag slugThe event tag term ID is missing or does not exist.The event tag term ID is missing.The event tag with the specified term ID could not be deleted.The event tag with the specified term ID has been deleted already.The event tagsThe event time zoneThe event time zone stringThe event titleThe event venueThe event website URLThe event with the specified ID could not be deleted.The event with the specified ID has been deleted already.The event with the specified ID is not accessible.The file provided could not be opened. Please confirm that it is a properly formatted .ics file.The following fields are required for a successful import:The following preview does not necessarily contain all of the data from your CSV file. The data displayed below is meant as a guide to help you map your CSV file's columns to the appropriate Event fields.The following three fields accept the date format options available to the PHP %1$s function. Learn how to make your own date format here.The function needs to be passed an $event or used in the loop.The hash of the next expected batch, as previously provided by the clientThe image WordPress post IDThe image associated with your event could not be attached to the event.The image associated with your event could not be imported.The image associated with your event is not accessible with your API key.The image file extensionThe image height in pixels in the specified sizeThe image mime-typeThe image natural height in pixelsThe image natural width in pixelsThe image width in pixels in the specified sizeThe import being fetched is not queued up for importing. Please try the import again.The import failed for an unknown reason. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.The import is in progress.The import record is missing the origin.The import unique ID as provided by Event Aggregator serviceThe import will be starting soon.The label for the amount of events to show in the List Widget.Show:The label for the field of the title of the List Widget.Title:The label for the option to enable JSON-LD in the List Widget.Generate JSON-LD dataThe label for the option to hide the List Widget if no upcoming events.Hide this widget if there are no upcoming events.The label for the option to only show featured events in the List WidgetLimit to featured events onlyThe last time this event was imported and/or updated via import.The link to the image in the specified size on the siteThe name of the List Widget.Events ListThe new status message for the user, not localized.The new status message slug, to allow for localized messages.The new status of the import.The next import is scheduled for %1$s.The number of event categories to return on each pageThe number of event tags to return on each pageThe number of events available in the preview may be limited by your %1$sImport Settings.%2$sThe number of events per page on the List View. Does not affect other views.The number of events per page on the List, Photo, and Map Views. Does not affect other views.The number of events to return on each pageThe number of organizers to return on each pageThe number of posts associated with the termThe number of venues to return on each pageThe organizer ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe organizer WordPress post IDThe organizer author IDThe organizer author WordPress post IDThe organizer could not be created from the provided dataThe organizer could not be deletedThe organizer could not be updatedThe organizer creation date in UTC timeThe organizer creation date in the site time zoneThe organizer descriptionThe organizer e-mail addressThe organizer email addressThe organizer featured image ID or URLThe organizer is already trashedThe organizer last modification date in UTC timeThe organizer last modification date in the site time zoneThe organizer long descriptionThe organizer nameThe organizer phone numberThe organizer post ID is missing or does not exist.The organizer post ID is missing.The organizer post statusThe organizer publication dateThe organizer publication date (UTC time zone)The organizer short descriptionThe organizer slugThe organizer statusThe organizer websiteThe organizer with the specified ID could not be deleted.The organizer with the specified ID has been deleted already.The organizer with the specified ID is not accessible.The percentage of import completed.The placeholder is for the localized version of the iCal UID specification linkSome events at the requested source are missing the UID attribute required by the iCalendar Specification. Creating a scheduled import would generate duplicate events on each import. Instead, please use a One-Time import or contact the source provider to fix the UID issue; linking them to %s may help them more quickly resolve their feed's UID issue.The placeholder is for the localized version of the iCal UID specification linkSome events at the requested source are missing the UID attribute required by the iCalendar Specification. One-Time and ICS File imports are allowed but successive imports will create duplicated events on your site. Please contact the source provider to fix the UID issue; linking them to %s may help them more quickly resolve their feed's UID issue.The plugins you need at one discounted priceThe position of the currency symbol in the cost stringThe preview is taking longer than expected. Please try again in a moment.The provided linked post ID is not validThe records you were attempting to import were still not available when this queue was processed. Please try again.The request was sent insecurely.The request wasn't sent from this tab.The requested URL does not have any upcoming and published events matching the search criteria.The requested event archive page does not existThe requested event is not accessibleThe requested event term archive page does not existThe requested organizer archive page does not existThe requested organizer is not accessibleThe requested page was not found.The requested post ID does not exist or is not an eventThe requested post ID does not exist or is not an organizerThe requested post ID does not exist or is not an venueThe requested source does not have any upcoming and published events matching the search criteria.The requested venue archive page does not existThe requested venue is not accessibleThe response from the Event Aggregator server was badly formed and could not be understood. Please try again.The selected log file is empty or has not been generated yet.The server is not currently respondingThe server is responding with an error:The service has disabled oAuth. Some types of events may not import.The slug used for building the events URL.The taxonomy the term belongs toThe term descriptionThe term nameThe term parent term if anyThe term slugThe user is not authorized to create event categoriesThe user is not authorized to create event tagsThe user is not authorized to create eventsThe user is not authorized to create organizersThe user is not authorized to create venuesThe venue ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe venue WordPress post IDThe venue ZIP codeThe venue addressThe venue author IDThe venue author WordPress post IDThe venue cityThe venue could not be created from the provided dataThe venue could not be deletedThe venue could not be updatedThe venue countryThe venue creation date in UTC timeThe venue creation date in the site time zoneThe venue descriptionThe venue geo latitudeThe venue geo longitudeThe venue is already trashedThe venue last modification date in UTC timeThe venue last modification date in the site time zoneThe venue long descriptionThe venue nameThe venue phone numberThe venue post ID is missing or does not exist.The venue post ID is missing.The venue post statusThe venue provinceThe venue publication dateThe venue publication date (UTC time zone)The venue short descriptionThe venue slugThe venue stateThe venue state and provinceThe venue state or provinceThe venue statusThe venue website URLThe venue with the specified ID could not be deleted.The venue with the specified ID has been deleted already.The venue with the specified ID is not accessible.Themer's GuideThere is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sThere is an JSON error with the Event Aggregator server. Please try your import again later.There is an update available for %1$s but your license has expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your license.%3$sUpdates are available for %1$s but your license keys have expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your licenses.%3$sThere may be an issue with the Event Aggregator server. Please try your import again later.There was a problem processing your import. Please try again.There was an error building the record queue: There was an error fetching the results from your import:There were no Legacy Events to be Migrated, you are ready to rock!There were no results found for %s.There were no results found for "%1$s" this month.There were no results found for "%1$s".There were no results found for this view.There were no results found for this view. %1$sThere were no results found.There’s a new version of %1$s available, but your license is expired. You’ll need to renew your license to get access to the latest version. If you plan to continue using your current version of the plugin(s), be sure to use a compatible version of The Events Calendar. %2$sThese APIs may include the following third party services: Google Maps (API key), Meetup (OAuth token), PayPal (email, Client ID, Client Secret), Eventbrite (API key, auth URL, Client Secret), and Zoom (email, Client ID, Client Secret).These settings control the appearance of the single event pages.These settings impact all list-style views, including List View and Day View.These settings will also apply to events imported in the future via this scheduled import.Third Party AccountsThis %s has passed.This calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.This event is all day on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event is all day starting on %%startdatenoyear%% and ending on %%enddatewithyear%%.This event is at %%starttime%% on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event is from %%starttime%% to %%endtime%% on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event starts at %%starttime%% on %%startdatenoyear%% and ends at %%endtime%% on %%enddatewithyear%%This event starts at %%starttime%% on %%startdatenoyear%% and ends on %%enddatewithyear%%This event will not be re-imported and changes made locally will be preserved.This information is only for guidance and not to be considered as legal advice.This information serves as a guide on what sections need to be modified due to usage of The Events Calendar and its Add-ons.This is a preview of the type of content you will be getting in during the import based on what is on the calendar now.This is especially true if you have made any code customizations to your calendar.This is where all of the global network settings for The Events Calendar can be modified.This option allows you to automatically move past events to trash.This option allows you to bulk delete past events. Be careful and backup your database before removing your events as there is no way to reverse the changes.This webhook action is not currently supported.Three monthsThree weeksThrough the usage of The Events Calendar, Events Calendar PRO, The Events Calendar Filter Bar, Eventbrite Tickets, and Community Events plugins, as well as our Event Aggregator Import service (contained within The Events Calendar plugin), information may be collected and stored within your website’s database.ThuThursdayTicket availability automatically updatesTicket sales, attendee management, and email marketing for your eventsTicket scanning with mobile appTicketsTime & DateTime Zone:Time range separatorTime zone modeTime:Timezone supportTo allow better control over dates, advanced security improvements and performance gain.To continue using The Events Calendar, please install the latest version ofTo continue using scheduled imports, please enter a valid Event Aggregator license key under %1$sEvents > Settings > Licenses%2$s.To import Meetup events, please be sure to add your Meetup API key on %1$sEvents > Settings > Integrations%2$sTodayTogoTokelauTongaTranslationsTransparentTrinidad and TobagoTroubleshooting common problemsTry to adjust your import settings and try again.TueTuesdayTunisiaTurbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.TurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTurn the venue name for your event into a clickable URL — a great way to link directly to a venue’s website or a virtual meeting.TutorialTuvaluTwo monthsTwo weeksURL:UgandaUkraineUltimate BundleUnable to attach an image to the eventUnable to continue inserting data. Please reload this page to continue/try again.Unable to find a matching post.Unable to find an event with the ID of %s.Unable to find an import record with the ID of %s.Unable to get a post of the correct type.Unable to process this import - a breakage or conflict may have resulted in the import halting.Unable to run Tribe Extensions. Your website host is running PHP 5.2 or older, and has likely disabled or misconfigured debug_backtrace(). You, or your website host, will need to upgrade PHP or properly configure debug_backtrace() for Tribe Extensions to work.Unable to save credentialsUnable to save scheduled import instance. Please try again.Unable to save scheduled import. Please try again.UndoUnique System Info Key GeneratedUnite the power of TEC with the ticketing of EventbriteUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnknownUnknown Column Unknown or not setUnknown service messageUnnamed %sUnnamed VenueUnsupportedUpcoming %sUpdate %s CategoryUpdate AuthorityUpdate Time Zone DataUpdate complete: time zone data has been added to all events in the database.Update now to version %s.Updated:UpgradeUpgrade PluginUpgrade your calendar viewsUpgrade your calendar.UploadUpload a CSV FileUpload an ICS FileUruguayUse GeneralUse global import settingsUse manual time zones for each eventUse the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from Eventbrite.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this Google Calendar.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this iCalendar feed.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this site.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from your ICS file.Use the following panel of your customizer to change the styling of your Calendar and Event pages.Use the options below to configure your imports. Global Import Settings apply to all imports, but you can also override the global settings by adjusting the origin-specific options. Check your Event Aggregator Service Status on the %1$s.Use the options below to configure your imports. Looking for more ways to import events from other websites?Use the site-wide time zone everywhereUse this shortcode to display events that are currently in progress, like webinars and livestreams.Use this to share calendar data with Google Calendar, Apple iCal and other compatible appsUsers submit events and sell ticketsUsers submit events to your calendarUsing stylesheets and page templatesUsing this function before "plugins_loaded" action has fired can return unreliable results.UtahUzbekistanValid Key! Expires on %sValueVanuatuVenezuelaVenueVenue AddressVenue Address 2Venue CityVenue CountryVenue DescriptionVenue Featured ImageVenue NameVenue PhoneVenue StateVenue State/ProvinceVenue URLVenue WebsiteVenue ZipVenue Zip CodeVenue information: name, address, city, country, state, postal code, phone, website, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude)VenuesVenues should be related to this eventVenues should contain the specified string in the title, description or custom fieldsVenues should have events associated to themVenues should have upcoming events associated to themVermontViet NamViewView %sView Aggregator RecordView All Add-OnsView All Scheduled ImportsView CalendarView EventsView FiltersView My CalendarView Welcome PageView all %sView and manage your license keysView more %1$s.View your event categoriesView your event organizersView your event tagsView your event venuesView your scheduled imports.Views NavigationVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)VirginiaVirtual EventsVisit the Add-on PageWP Cron enabledWP Cron not enabledWallis and Futuna IslandsWant this emailed to you?Want to dive deeper?Want to take your events to the next level?Warnings and errorsWashingtonWe are committed to helping make your calendar spectacular and have a wealth of resources available, including a handy %s to get your calendar up and running.We can help with thatWe did not find any Facebook Events settings to migrate.We did not find any iCal Importer settings to migrate.We hope you love %1$sWe make use of certain APIs, in order to provide specific features.We recommend a 16:9 aspect ratio for featured images.We recommend making this update on a %1$sstaging site%2$s.We send out discounts to our core users via our newsletter.We've packaged our most popular plugins into bundles jam-packed with value.We've redesigned all of the calendar views to give you and your users a better experience. Beyond a brand new look, we've optimized every design for mobile and introduced key improvements for each view.Webhook not registered properly.Website URL CTAWebsite:WedWednesdayWelcome to The Events Calendar!West VirginiaWestern SaharaWhat personal data we collect and why we collect itWhen events are sticky in month view, they'll display first in the list of events shown within a given day block.When importing from a website that uses The Events Calendar, the REST API will attempt to fetch events this far in the future. That website's hosting resources may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period may improve results.When importing from an event source, this is how far into the future the events will be fetched; on slower websites a larger date range may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period may improve results.When importing from an event source, this is the maximum number of events that will be imported; on slower websites this may impact the success of imports. Setting this to a smaller number may improve results.When purchasing Eventbrite Tickets, attendee, purchaser, and order information are stored and managed by Eventbrite.When this import was last scheduled to run, the daily limit for your Event Aggregator license had already been reached.When users click on the event title, they’ll be taken right to the source of your event, offering a direct route to join.When using The Events Calendar, we recommend that you use a geographic timezone such as "America/Los_Angeles" and avoid using a UTC timezone offset such as “%2$s”.When you save this scheduled import, the events above will begin importing.Where We Send Your DataWhere's my calendar?Whether an event is sticky in the calendar view or notWhether an event should be hidden from the calendar view or notWhether events linked to the venue should show a map link or notWhether events linked to the venue should show a map or notWhether events should be hidden in the calendar view or notWhether or not this event is an all day EventWhether the event is featured in the calendar or notWhether the event lasts the whole day or notWhether the event should be featured on the site or notWhether the event should be sticky in the calendar view or notWhether the event should show a map link or notWhether the event should show a map or notWhether the map link should be shown for the event or notWhether the map link should be shown for the venue or notWhether the map should be shown for the event or notWhether the map should be shown for the venue or notWhether to hide terms not assigned to any postsWhile the resources above help solve a majority of the issues we see, there are times you might be looking for extra support. If you need assistance using our plugins and would like us to take a look, please follow these steps:Why am I being told my license key is out of installs?WidgetWidgetsWisconsinWithout a defined location your event will not display a %sGoogle Rich Snippet%s on the search results.WooCommerce compatibilityWordPress WordPress 5.7 includes a major jQuery update that may cause compatibility issues with past versions of The Events Calendar, Event Tickets and other plugins.Works with Google Calendar, Meetup, and moreWritesWyomingX (kilometers abbreviation)%1$s (km)X (miles abbreviation)%1$s (mi)YYYY-MM-DDYemenYesYes, automatically share my system information with The Events Calendar's support teamYou are approaching your daily import limit. You may want to adjust your Scheduled Import frequencies.You are running Version %s and deserve a hug :-)You are up to date!You are using The Events Calendar's built-in Google Maps API key.You are using WordPress 5.7 which included a major jQuery update that may cause compatibility issues with past versions of The Events Calendar, Event Tickets and other plugins.You are using a custom Google Maps API key.You can always check the status of your licenses by logging in to %1$syour account on theeventscalendar.com%2$s.You can find the url you need in your Google Calendar settings.You can make changes to imported events via The Events Calendar and see those changes reflected on your site’s calendar. The owner of the original event source (e.g. the iCalendar feed or Meetup group) might also make changes to their event. If you choose to re-import an altered event (manually or via a scheduled import), any changes made at the source or on your calendar will need to be addressed.You cannot delete a history record (ID: "%d"). You do not have a licenseYou do not have access to authenticate this site.You do not have an active connection to Eventbrite through your account and Event Aggregator.You do not have an active connection to Meetup through your account and Event Aggregator.You do not have permission to delete this record.You do not have permission to migrate Facebook Events settings to Event AggregatorYou do not have permission to migrate Legacy Ignored EventsYou do not have permission to migrate iCal Importer settings to Event AggregatorYou don't have permission to do that.You have a license key for %1$s but the key is out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your license, or purchase a new one.You have license keys for %1$s but your keys are out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your licenses, or purchase new ones.You have changed the recurrence rules of this %1$s. Saving the %1$s will update all future %2$s. If you did not mean to change all %2$s, then please refresh the page.You have not connected Event Aggregator to EventbriteYou have not connected Event Aggregator to MeetupYou have reached your daily import limit. Scheduled imports will be paused until tomorrow.You must enter an Event Aggregator license key in Events > Settings > Licenses before using this service.You must map columns from the CSV file to specific fields in order to perform a CSV import.You must provide a valid CSV file to perform a CSV import.You must select at least one view.You must use an integer to reduce the daily import limitYou need to connect Event Aggregator to Eventbrite to import your events from Eventbrite.You need to connect Event Aggregator to Meetup to import your events from Meetup.You need to connect to Eventbrite for Event Aggregator to work properlyYou need to connect to Meetup for Event Aggregator to work properlyYou need to upgrade!You should include the information below in the correct sections of you privacy policy.You're all set!You've requested a non-existent tab.Your Event Aggregator Facebook token expired %s.Your Event Aggregator Facebook token will expire %s.Your Event Aggregator license is expired.Your Meetup API key is invalid.Your Scheduled Import has been updated!Your emailYour form had the following errors:Your import is currently in progress. Don't worry, you can safely navigate away–the import will continue in the background.Your import must include at least one eventYour license is invalidYour license is validYour preview doesn't have any records to import.Your preview is taking a bit longer than expected, but it is still being generated.Your scheduled import was saved and the first import is complete!Your system information will only be used by The Events Calendar's support team. All information is stored securely. We do not share this information with any third parties.Your update failed due to an incompatibility between the version (%1$s) of the %2$s you tried to update to and the version of %3$s that you are using. %4$sZambiaZimbabweadd new on admin barAggregator Recordadmin menuAggregator Recordsaggregator schedule frequencyDailyaggregator schedule frequencyEvery 15 minutesaggregator schedule frequencyEvery 30 Minutesaggregator schedule frequencyHourlyaggregator schedule frequencyMonthlyaggregator schedule frequencyOn Demandaggregator schedule frequencyWeeklyallall events slugallall timeandand %s post moved to Ignored.and %s posts moved to Ignored.at approximatelybased on %s versionbook with The Events Calendar logocategorycategory list label%s Category%s Categoriesclick hereclick here to edit itcolumn name# Importedcolumn nameFrequencycolumn nameLast Importcolumn nameSourcecolumn nameTypecolumn nameWhendayday_view%1$s for %2$sdeactivateddeleteedit Events settings.eventevent aggregator statusDraftevent aggregator statusDraft (%s)Draft (%s)event aggregator statusFailedevent aggregator statusFailed (%s)Failed (%s)event aggregator statusImportedevent aggregator statusImported (%s)Imported (%s)event aggregator statusPendingevent aggregator statusPending (%s)Pending (%s)event aggregator statusScheduleevent aggregator statusSchedule (%s)Schedule (%s)eventbrite.com/e/example-12345eventsexample.com/example.com/url.icsextension disallowedThis extension has been programmatically disallowed. The most common reason is due to another The Events Calendar plugin having absorbed or replaced this extension's functionality. This extension plugin has been deactivated, and you should likely delete it.facebook.com/examplefeatured events slugfeaturedfeatured events titleFeatured %sfeed link»formatted plugin list%1$s and %2$sg:i ahttps://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/example/basic.icshttps://evnt.is/1afbhttps://evnt.is/1xhuman readable time agoabout %s agoiCal ImporteriCal feed descriptionEvents for %siCalendariCalendar Import Settingsillustration of a book with The Events Calendar logoillustration of a phone screen with a person's faceillustration of a thought lightbulb coming from a bookillustration of an event moving from one calendar to anotherillustration of characters being translatedin human readable timein about %sin human readable timeretrying in about %slink for connecting eventbriteConnect to Eventbritelink for connecting meetupConnect to Meetuplink to knowlegebase articleRead more about Ignored Events.listlist of available functionslog enginesNone currently availablelog selectorNone currently availablemeetup.com/examplemonthmonth view%1$s for %2$snewnon-existant function name passed for field validationwith function name:not availablen/aone monthone weekopen-source forum on WordPress.orgopens in a new windoworganizerorganizerspagepaging%1$s of %2$spastpost a threadpost moved to Ignored.posts moved to Ignored.post type general nameAggregator Recordspost type singular nameAggregator Recordpremium support on our websitequeuedreactivatedread more about Facebook restrictions in our knowledgebaserecordAdd Newrecord via originvia recordsAll (%s)All (%s)screenshot of updated calendar viewssee allseparator between date and time at separator used in a list of items, tagthe UID part of the iCalendar Specificationthe event category term IDthe event post IDthe event post namethe event tag term IDthe final separator in a list of two or more items and the organizer post IDthe organizer post namethe venue post IDthe venue post namethree monthsthree weekstimezone settingsto change how the actual time is displayed on your calendar.to create your own free Google Maps API key.to learn more about using it with The Events Calendartodaytwo monthstwo weeksunknown dateupcomingupdatedvenuevenuesversion data missing from overridewhen the retry will happen, a dateretrying at %syou can modify this setting here.PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-28 12:00:17+0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1; X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.1 Language: en_CA Project-Id-Version: Plugins - The Events Calendar - Stable (latest release) (opens in a new window) and ask the site administrator to set a different Events URL slug.Create or Find %sCreate or Find %sFind %1$s %2$sFind %1$s %2$s%1$d already-imported %2$s was skipped.%1$d already-imported %2$s were skipped.%1$d existing %2$s was updated.%1$d existing %2$s were updated.%1$d import used out of %2$d available today%1$d imports used out of %2$d available today%1$d new %2$s was imported.%1$d new %2$s were imported.%1$d new event category was created.%1$d new event categories were created.%1$d new event tag was created.%1$d new event tags were created.%1$d new image was imported.%1$d new images were imported.%1$d new image was scheduled for import.%1$d new images were scheduled for import.%1$d new organizer was imported.%1$d new organizers were imported.%1$d new venue was imported.%1$d new venues were imported.%1$s %2$s%1$s %3$s%1$s %2$s iCal Feed%1$s draft updated. %2$sPreview %3$s%1$s for %2$s - %3$s%1$s or %2$s%1$s published. %2$sView %3$s%1$s restored to revision from %2$s%1$s scheduled for: %2$s.%1$s scheduled for: %2$s. %3$sPreview %4$s%1$s submitted. %2$sPreview %3$s%1$s updated. %2$sView %1$s%3$s%1$sBuy a licence%2$s for the Event Aggregator service to access additional import features.%d%% complete%s%s (post ID %d) created.%s (post ID %d) updated.%s Categories%s Category%s CostAll %sAll %s%s Information%s Name Already Exists%s Name already exists%s Name can not be empty%s Name:%s Navigation%s Options%s Search and Views Navigation%s Settings%s Tags:%s Views Navigation%s Website%s ago%s cannot be a duplicate%s cannot be the same as %s.%s draft updated.%s from now%s item%s items%s must be a number between 0 and 21.%s must be a number or percentage.%s must be a phone number.%s must be a positive number or percent.%s must be a positive number.%s must be a valid URL.%s must be a valid slug (numbers, letters, dashes, and underscores).%s must be a whole number.%s must be an email address.%s must consist of 5 numbers.%s must consist of letters, numbers, dashes, apostrophes, and spaces only.%s must consist of letters, spaces, apostrophes, and dashes.%s must contain numbers and letters only%s must contain numbers, letters and dots only%s must contain numbers, letters, dashes and undescores only%s must have a value that's part of its options.%s must not be empty%s post moved to the Trash%s posts moved to the Trash%s post restored.%s posts restored.%s published privately.%s published.%s restored to revision from %s%s reverted to draft.%s saved.%s scheduled.%s submitted.%s updated.%s. All of the common (and not-so-common) answers to questions we see are here. It’s often the fastest path to finding an answer!%s. Testing for an existing conflict is the best start for in-depth troubleshooting. We will often ask you to follow these steps when opening a new thread, so doing this ahead of time will be super helpful.%s. There are very few issues we haven’t seen and it’s likely another user has already asked your question and gotten an answer from our support staff. While posting to the help desk is open only to paid customers, they are open for anyone to search and review.%s:%s: A complete look at the features you can expect to see right out of the box as well as how to use them.%s: A thorough walkthrough of The Events Calendar and the settings that are available to you.%s: An overview of the default templates and styles that are included in the plugin, as well as how to change them.%s: Code and guides for customizing your calendar in useful and interesting ways.%s: Do you see an issue with your calendar? Go here first to find where it’s coming from and how to fix it.%s: Our most comprehensive outline for customizing the calendar to suit your needs, including custom layouts and styles.Åland Islands(Event Tickets Plus)(click here for details)(do not override)(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)+ %d More+ %d More+ Google Map0 = zoomed out; 21 = zoomed in.1 import was scheduled.1 month1 year2 yearsThe Events Calendar Annual Survey: share your feedback with our team—%1$s!take the survey now24 hours3 months3 years6 months72 hours9 months: Selected %d rows: Selected 1 row: activate to sort column ascending: activate to sort column descending%1$s requires PHP %2$s or higher.%1$s require PHP %2$s or higher.Looking for more immediate support? We offer %1$s with the purchase of any of our premium plugins (like %2$s). Pick up a licence and you can post there directly and expect a response within 24-48 hours during weekdays.Looking for more immediate support? We offer %s with the purchase of any of our premium plugins. Pick up a licence and you can post there directly and expect a response within 24-48 hours during weekdaysA fully designed and styled theme for your events pages.A list of links to the term own, archive and parent REST URLThere are no upcoming %1$s.A new look for The Events Calendar is here!A problem stopped the time zone update process from completing. Please refresh and try again.A record already exists with these settings, %1$s.A required parameter is missing or an input parameter is in the wrong formatA sorted array of all the numeric values for the costA valid licence has been entered by your network administrator.A valid licence key is required for support and updatesA venue with the specified post ID does not exist.A warning was generated while fetching the results from your import:API KeyskmmiAccent ColourAccess more event sources and automatic imports!Action-based LoggerActivate %sActivate Block Editor for EventsActivate PluginActiveActive Users:Add %sAdd Button TextAdd Description...Add HTML after event contentAdd HTML before event contentAdd NewAdd New %sAdd New %s CategoryAdd New Aggregator RecordAdd another %sAdd me to the listAdd more sourcesAdd tickets and RSVP to any postAdd to Google CalendarAdditional FunctionalityAdditional views, Address:Adjust AppearanceAdjust LabelAdvanced Post ManagerAfghanistanAlabamaAlaskaAlbaniaAlgeriaAllAll %sAll %s CategoriesAll Aggregator RecordsAll DayAll Day EventAll SolutionsAll calendar and event pagesAll data present within a CSV or ICS file and external URLs (for events, venues, organizers, and tickets)All dayAll dayAll information (data) is retained in the local database indefinitely, unless otherwise deleted.All items on this page were selected. All of our premium events management plugins at a deep discount.All scheduled imports are currently suspended, and no events will be imported.Already InstalledAmerican SamoaAn Array containing the lineage of where this event comes from, this should not change after the event is created.An Array containing the lineage of where this organizer comes from, this should not change after the organizer is created.An Unknown error occurredAn array of each component of the event end dateAn array of each component of the event end date in UTC timeAn array of each component of the event start dateAn array of each component of the event start date in UTC timeAn email marketing solution for events and the people running themAn event category with the specified term ID does not exist.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (12-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (24-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 23.An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (am/pm) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.An event having a post meta value of `%s` meridian is not valid. Make sure it is either `am` or `pm`, or remove it entirely if using the 24-hour format.An event having a post meta value of `%s` minutes is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 59.An event tag with the specified term ID does not exist.An event with the specified ID does not exist.An invalid frequency was used when trying to create this scheduled import.An invalid import type was used when trying to create this import record.An organizer with the specified event does not exist.And if you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine.AndorraAngolaAnguillaAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaAppends the time zone to the end of event scheduling information – this can be useful when you have events in numerous different time zones.ApplyAprAprilArgentinaArizonaArkansasArmeniaArubaAsk the site administrator to edit the %s slugAsynchronousAttendee reportsAugAugustAustraliaAustriaAuthorize PromoterAutomate email touchpointsAutomated imports for your calendarAutomatically import your eventsAvailable %sAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBeautiful display options for your favourite photos.BelarusBelgiumBelizeBeninBermudaBhutanBlue SteelBoliviaBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowse ExtensionsBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBulk ActionsBurkina FasoBurundiButton ColourBuy Event AggregatorBuy Event Aggregator to access more event sources and automatic imports!By date rangeBy number of eventsCôte d'IvoirCSVCSV FileCSV Import SettingsCalendarCalendar Date Bar ColourCalendar Header ColourCalendar Highlight ColourCalendar Table ColourCalendar of %sCalendar powered by %sCalendars, ticketing, and powerful WordPress tools to manage your events from start to finish.CaliforniaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCancelCannot look for Terms without a taxonomyCannot set %s as the current logging engineCape VerdeCategoryCategory:Cayman IslandsCentral African RepublicCertain data may be exported or removed upon users’ requests via the existing Exporter or Eraser. Please note, however, that several “edge cases” exist in which we are unable to perfect the gathering and export of all data for your end users. We suggest running a search in your local database, as well as within the WordPress Dashboard, in order to identify all data collected and stored for your specific user requests.ChadChange "Events" to "Webinars," or "Venues" to "Livestream," or "Organizers" to "Hosts." Tailor your calendar for virtual events and meetings.Change Event Update AuthorityCheck our KnowledgebaseCheck out Event Aggregator.Check out our %s for developers.Check out our suite of add-onsCheck out the %savailable add-ons%s.Check out the guideCheck this box if you wish to override the network licence key with your ownCheck to enable maps for events and venues.Check your licence keyChileChinaChoose FileChoose File:Choose a CSV fileChoose a page template to control the appearance of your calendar and event content.Choose a status for the event(s) to be imported with and/or define an Event Category to automatically assign. An assigned category will be added to the event in addition to any Event Categories from the import source.Choose where you are importing from.Choosing a UTC time zone for your site or individual events may cause problems when importing events or with Daylight Saving Time. %1$sChristmas IslandCity:ClearClear Selection.Click hereClick this button to update your database and take advantage of additional time zone capabilities. Please configure WordPress to use the correct time zone before clicking this button!Click to toggle datepickerClick to view a Google MapClose this dialogue windowClose this modal windowCocos (Keeling) IslandsCollectivity of Saint MartinColombiaColoradoColumn Mapping:Community EventsCommunity Manager BundleCommunity TicketsComorosComparison validation failed because no comparison value was provided, for field %sCompleted!Configurable set of filtersConfigure SettingsConfirmConfirm your upgradeCongoCongo, Democratic Republic of theConnect to EventbriteConnect to MeetupConnected to %sConnecticutConnection timed out while transferring the feed. If you are dealing with large feeds you may need to customize the tribe_aggregator_connection_timeout filter.Contact your Host or your system administrator and ask to upgrade to the latest version of PHP.Content Type:Continue ReadingCook IslandsCopy the provided url into this field to import the events into your WordPress site.Copy to clipboard – Cost:Costa RicaCould not delete post with ID Could not process queue for Import Record %1$d: %2$sCould not save %s.Country List must be formatted as one country per line in the following format:
US, United States
UK, United Kingdom.Country:Create New %sCreate a strong call-to-action for attendees to "Join Webinar" instead of only sharing a website address.Create an EventCreate or Find a VenueCreate or Find an OrganizerCreate, run and manage Event Aggregator imports.Create: <%= term %>Created:Credentials have been savedCroatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)Cron-basedCubaCuraçaoCurrency Symbol:Currency symbol follows valueAfter costBefore costCurrent PageCurrent usageCustomCustom ColourCustom Venue LinksCustom attendee registration fieldsCustom field deleted.Custom field updated.Custom registration fieldsCustomizableCustomizable ticket templateCustomize email templatesMain %s PageCustomizing the Events pluginsCyprusCzech RepublicDateDate out of range.Date time separatorDate:DayDebug Bar PluginDebug modeDecDecemberDeep SeaDefaultDefault (uses temporary files)Default Event CategoryDefault Events TemplateDefault Page TemplateDefault StatusDefault currency symbolDefault stylesheet used for events templatesDefault viewDelawareDeleteDelete “%s” permanentlyDelete PermanentlyDelete thisDeleted Attachment: %dDeletes a venue and returns its dataDeletes an event and returns its dataDeletes an event category and returns its dataDeletes an event tag and returns its dataDeletes an organizer and returns its dataDenmarkDetailsDig deeperDisable Event Aggregator importsDisabledDisclaimer:DisconnectDisplayDistrict of ColumbiaDjiboutiDo Not ImportDo more with Eventbrite TicketsDo not limit (not recommended)Do not re-import events. Changes made locally will be preserved.DominicaDominican RepublicDoneDownloadDownload .ics fileDownload logDownload our Events Gutenberg extension and start using the block editor on your events!During scheduled import, the limit of HTTP requests was reached and the import was rescheduled.Each paid add-on has its own unique licence key. Paste the key into its appropriate field below, and give it a moment to validate. You know you're set when a green expiration date appears alongside a "valid" message. Then click Save Changes.East TimorEcuadorEditEdit %sEdit %s CategoryEdit Aggregator RecordEdit ImportEdit VenueEdit the %s slugEgyptEl SalvadorEmailEmail notificationsEmail:Empty data set for this dropdownEnable MapsEnable Time Zone supportEnable WordPress Custom Fields on events in the classic editor.Enable comments on event pages.Enable event viewsEnable the Gutenberg block editor interface for creating events.Enable the Month View CacheEnd DateEnd of day cutoffEnd:EnglishEnsure result set exclude specific IDsEnter Event Aggregator LicenceEnter Keyword. Search for %s by Keyword.Enter a 0 for %s that are free or leave blank to hide the field.Enter an Eventbrite event URL, e.g. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/example-12345Enter the separator that will be placed between the date and time, when both are shown.Enter the separator that will be used between the start and end time of an event.Enter the url for a Facebook group or page. You can also enter the url of a single Facebook event.Enter the url for a Meetup group, page, or individual. You can also enter the url of a single Meetup event.Enter the url for the Google Calendar feed you wish to import.Enter the url for the calendar, website, or event you would like to import. Event Aggregator will attempt to import events at that location.Enter the url for the iCalendar feed you wish to import, e.g. https://central.wordcamp.org/calendar.icsEquatorial GuineaEritreaErrorError restoring from Ignored Events.Error, a unknown bug happened and it was impossible to migrate the Legacy Ignored Events, try again later.Error: %d scheduled import was not %s.Error: we were not able to migrate your Facebook Events settings to Event Aggregator. Please try again later.Error: we were not able to migrate your iCal Importer settings to Event Aggregator. Please try again later.EstoniaEthiopiaEventEvent %d: %sEvent Add-OnsEvent AggregatorEvent Aggregator ControlEvent Aggregator System StatusEvent Aggregator cannot import events because this site is running an outdated version of The Events Calendar.Event Aggregator cannot import events from this site.Event Aggregator cannot reach Meetup.com because you exceeded the request limit for your Meetup API key.Event Aggregator includes a new, better system for removing unwanted imported events from your calendar. Click the button below to transition previously deleted events. This process will remove unwanted records from your database and include recent or upcoming trashed events in your Ignored archive.Event Aggregator server has blocked your request. Please try your import again later or contact support to know why.Event Aggregator will try to fetch %s events starting from the current date or the specified date;Event Aggregator will try to fetch events starting within the next %s from the current date or the specified date;Event Allow CommentsEvent Allow Trackbacks and PingbacksEvent BlocksEvent CategoriesEvent CategoryEvent CostEvent Currency PositionEvent Currency SymbolEvent Date and TimeEvent Date:Event DescriptionEvent Details Background ColourEvent End DateEvent End TimeEvent ExcerptEvent Featured ImageEvent Importer BundleEvent LogEvent NameEvent OrganizerEvent Organizer Name(s) or ID(s)Event OrganizersEvent Show MapEvent Show Map LinkEvent Start DateEvent Start TimeEvent Sticky in Month ViewEvent Submission FormEvent TagsEvent TicketsEvent Tickets PlusEvent Time ZoneEvent TitleEvent Title ColourEvent Update AuthorityEvent VenueEvent Venue NameEvent WebsiteEvent cannot be synced to Eventbrite because we received an error from Eventbrite.Event information: website, cost, description, date, time, imageEvent not owned, you cannot edit it.Event, Venue, and Organizer InformationEventbriteEventbrite AuthenticationEventbrite Import SettingsEventbrite Ticket information: name, description, cost, type, quantityEventbrite TicketsEventbrite event not found.Eventbrite organizer not found.Eventbrite parsed object ID is empty.Eventbrite parsed object is empty.Eventbrite parsed object type is empty.Eventbrite sync data invalid.Eventbrite token is not valid.Eventbrite user not found.Eventbrite venue not found.EventsEvents Aggregator RecordEvents Calendar PROEvents Calendar ProEvents Happening NowEvents ImportEvents Marketing BundleEvents TicketsEvents Tickets is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily sell tickets for your events.Events URL slugEvents cannot be imported because Eventbrite has returned an error. This could mean that the event ID does not exist, the event or source is marked as Private, or the event or source has been otherwise restricted by Eventbrite. You can read more about Eventbrite restrictions in our knowledgebase.Events cannot be imported because we received an error from Eventbrite: Events cannot be imported because we received an error from Facebook: Events could not be imported. Event Aggregator does not yet support events from that URL. We have noted your request and will review it for support in the future.Events could not be imported. The Events Calendar REST API is disabled on the requested URL.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned an empty archive page.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned empty event data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data in regard to the total number of events.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but returned malformed data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching an archive page.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the archive control data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the event data.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could be reached and has The Events Calendar REST API enabled, but there was an error while fetching the total number of events.Events could not be imported. The URL provided could not be reached.Events could not be imported. The URL provided did not have events in the proper format.Events could not be imported. The import parameters were invalid.Events on or afterEvents should be assigned one of the specified categories slugs or IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified organizer IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified tags slugs or IDsEvents should be assigned one of the specified venue IDsEvents should be filtered by their featured statusEvents should be filtered by their post_parent being the specified one.Events should contain the specified string in the title or descriptionEvents templateEvents will be imported with the same timezone as defined on eventbrite.com. You can make use of The Events Calendar'sEvents will be imported with the time zone defined by the source. If no time zone is specified, events will be assigned your site's default time zone ( seeEvergreenEvery %d MinutesExisting calendar customizations will be overridden.Existing theme overrides that may need revision:Expired licence keys and subscriptionsExpired licence. Consult your network administrator.Export %sExport EventsExtensionsExtensions are quick solutions our team came up with to solve specific issues you may need. (Note - extensions are not covered by our support team.)F jF j, YFREEFacebook EventsFailed to import record in row %d.Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFavourite ImportsFeature EventFeaturedFeatured Highlight ColourFeatured events are highlighted on the front end in views, archives, and widgets.Features overviewFebFebruaryFetch source event's settings (e.g. Show Maps Link or Sticky in Month View) when importing from another site using The Events Calendar.Field ID:FijiFill your calendar with events from across the web, including Google Calendar, Meetup, and more.FilterFilter BarFilter Bar ColourFilter By FrequencyFilter By OriginFilter category, price, and moreFilter distance (for Events Calendar Pro)FiltersFind %sFind a VenueFind an OrganizerFinding & extending your calendar.Finding your calendar.FinlandFirst pageFloridaFor classic editorFor displayed URLsFor the best results, import venue and organizer files before importing event files.FranceFreeFree extensions to power up your pluginsFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFriFridayFrom registration to attendance history, view every step of the event lifecycle with this HubSpot integration.Full debug (all events)GabonGambiaGeneralGeneral ThemeGermanyGetting More HelpGetting Started GuideGetting SupportGhanaGibraltarGlobalGlobal ElementsGlobal Import SettingsGlobal configurations for the styling of The Events CalendarGo check out your new calendar designs! Each calendar view has been updated, so feel free to enable views you may not have been using. If necessary, you can revert back to the legacy calendar views in the Display tab of your Event Settings.Go to Settings > Calendars and select the calendar you wish to import.Go to WordPress Updates pageGo to plugins pageGoogle CalendarGoogle Calendar Import SettingsGoogle Maps APIGoogle Maps API keyGoogle Maps default zoom levelGreeceGreenlandGrenadaGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHH:MMHaitiHandle event submissions with ticket sales and everything you need to build a robust community.Has %sHas featured %sHave an event that runs past midnight? Select a time after that event's end to avoid showing the event on the next day's calendar.HawaiiHeard and McDonald IslandsHello,HelpHelp users find exactly the right eventHelpful Links:Helpful ResourcesHere is the iCal feed URL for your events:Hi, %1$s! This is an invitation to help our %2$s community. If you opt-in, some data about your usage of %2$s will be shared with our teams (so they can work their butts off to improve). We will also share some helpful info on events management, WordPress, and our products from time to time.Hide & IgnoreHide Event From Event ListingsHide FiltersHide From %s ListingsHide and Ignore “%s”Hide the following settings tabs on every site:HistoryHoly City (Vatican City State)HondurasHong KongHorizontal or verticalHow Long You Retain this DataHungaryI'm not readyICSICS FileICS File Import SettingsIcelandIdahoIf all goes according to plan, you will have your preview in a few moments.If required the commands will use the API keys and licences set for the current site.If the Featured highlight colour is set to Custom, the following colour will be used:If this event is re-imported, event fields that have not been changed locally will be overwritten with any changes from the source.If this event is re-imported, event fields will be overwritten with any changes from the source.If you are familiar with HTML, you can add additional code after the event template. Some themes may require this to help with styling or layout.If you are familiar with HTML, you can add additional code before the event template. Some themes may require this to help with styling or layout.If you create, submit, import, save, or publish Event, Venue, or Organizer information, such information is retained in the local database:If you do not add your own API key, the built-in API key will always populate this field and some map-related functionality will be limited If you have a valid licence for one of our paid plugins, you can %s in our premium support forums. Our support team monitors the forums and will respond to your thread within 24-48 hours (during the week).If you have any template overrides, custom calendar CSS, or other code customizations to your calendar, those modifications will be overridden by the new designs.If you have extended our plugin(s) to send data to a third-party service such as Eventbrite, Google Maps, or PayPal, user information may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad.If you have tried the above steps and are still having trouble, you can post a new thread to our %s. Our support staff monitors these forums once a week and would be happy to assist you there.If you have tried the above steps and are still having trouble, you can post a new thread to our WordPress.org forums for %1$s or %2$s. Our support staff monitors these forums once a week and would be happy to assist you there. If you want to stop and clear current asynchronous import processes %1$s.If you've purchased a premium add-on, you'll need to enter your licence key here in order to have access to automatic updates when new versions are available.IgnoredIgnored (%s)Ignored (%s)Ignored events do not show on the calendar but can be updated with future importsIgnored events that are deleted will be removed permanently. They can be recreated via import.IllinoisImage Widget PlusImportImport & export eventsImport AllImport All (%d)Import Checked (%d)Import Date Range LimitImport Event SettingsImport Limit TypeImport Name:Import Origin:Import Process SystemImport Quantity LimitImport ServicesImport SourceImport Type:Import complete!Import completedImport createdImport events but preserve local changes to event fields.Import events directly from a public Eventbrite.com URL. Please note that only Live events (i.e. published events) can be imported via URL.Import events directly from your connected Eventbrite.com account or from a public Eventbrite.com URL.Import failedImport from EventbriteImport from Eventbrite URLImport from your Eventbrite accountImport is completeImport origin data (URL from where events are being imported—such as Eventbrite, MeetUp, other compatible URL sources, and more, which can include similar or same data as listed above)Import pendingImport previewImport queuedImport records must be finalized before posts can be inserted.Import runs daily at approximatelyImport runs monthly on dayImport runs weekly onImport scheduleImported EventImporting Events, Venues, and Organizers:ImportsIn a locationIn order to register a plugin licence, you'll first need to %1$sdownload and install%2$s the plugin you purchased. You can download the latest version of your plugin(s) from %3$syour account's downloads page%4$s. Once the plugin is installed and activated on this site, the licence key field will appear below.Include events in main blog loopInclude events with one of the post IDs specified in the array of CSV list, date filters will be ignored.IncludesanaIndiaIndianaIndonesiaInformation about recent template changes and potentially impacted template overrides is provided below.Initializing Tribe Events on %sInstall %sInstall PluginIntegrated with your events on EventbriteInvalid Eventbrite URLInvalid Facebook URLInvalid FrequencyInvalid KeyInvalid Meetup URLInvalid credential save nonceInvalid credential save requestInvalid data provided for CSV import.Invalid field type specifiedInvalid or incomplete field passedIowaIran, Islamic Republic ofIraqIrelandIsraelIt appears as if the tribe-common libraries cannot be found! The directory should be in the "common/" directory in the events calendar plugin.It looks like you are using our legacy plugin, %1$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugin plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s.It looks like you are using our legacy plugins, %1$s and %2$s, along with our new Event Aggregator service. Event Aggregator includes all the features of the legacy plugins plus enhanced functionality. For best results, please deactivate %1$s and %2$s.It looks like you're using %1$s, but the licence key is invalid. Please download the latest version %2$sfrom your account%3$s.It looks like you're using %1$s, but the licence keys are invalid. Please download the latest versions %2$sfrom your account%3$s.ItalyJamaicaJanJanuaryJapanJordanJulJulyJump to the %1$snext upcoming %2$s%3$s.JunJuneKansasKazakhstanKeep the Core Plugin %sFREE%s!Keep this list of links on hand and stay subscribed to receive tips and tricks about The Events Calendar products.KentuckyKenyaKeyKeyword(s)Keywords:KiribatiKnowledgebaseKorea, Democratic People's Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwaitKyrgyzstanLagoonLao People's Democratic RepublicLast ImportLast Import:Last pageLatest Import:Latest Past %sLatest Version:LatviaLearn MoreLearn moreLearn more about the upgradeLearn more.LebanonLesothoLet's go!LiberiaLibyaLicence & UsageLicence KeyLicence Key Status:Licence key(s) updated.LicencesLicences for MultisitesLiechtensteinLightboxLimit result set to specific IDsLimit result set to terms assigned to a specific event (an alias of the "post" parameter)Limit result set to terms assigned to a specific parentLimit result set to terms assigned to a specific postLimit result set to terms with a specific slugLimit results to those matching a stringLimit the number of imported events by number, date range, or not at all; on slower websites this may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period or a smaller number of events may improve results.Limited connectivity with EventbriteLimited connectivity with MeetupLink Directly to WebinarLinksList-style ViewsLithuaniaLoading %sLoading view.Loading...LocationLocation:Log into EventbriteLog into FacebookLog into MeetupLogging levelLooking for Something Special?Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, custom meta, community events, ticket sales and more?Looking for additional functionality including recurring events, ticket sales, publicly submitted events, new views and more?Looks like you are using Gutenberg on this WordPress installation. %1$sLouisianaLuxembourgM j, Y @ G:iMacauMadagascarMain date and time display on views and single event pagesMaineMalachiteMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaManageManage Active PluginsManage ticketing and RSVPsManage tickets from WordPressMap PinMarMarchMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMarylandMassachusettsMauritaniaMauritiusMayMayotteMeetupMeetup AuthenticationMeetup Import SettingsMerge DuplicatesAMPMLocationMethodMexicoMichiganMicronesia, Federated States ofMigrate Legacy Ignored EventsMigrate iCal Importer settingsMigrating events from another calendar?Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post failed to be migrated.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts failed to be migrated.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post was migrated but %d failed. To see the migrated event you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts were migrated but %d failed. To see the migrated events you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Post was migrated successfully. To see the migrated event you will first need to refresh this screen.Migration: %d Legacy Ignored Posts were migrated successfully. To see the migrated events you will first need to refresh this screen.MinnesotaMissing data source for this dropdownMissing required fields in row %d.MississippiMissouriMoldova, Republic ofMonMonacoMondayMonetize your eventsMongoliaMontanaMontenegroMonth ViewMonth and year formatMonth view events per dayMontserratMore...MoroccoMove to trash events older thanMoving your licence keysMozambiqueMulti-Image SupportMultiple viewsMy %sMyanmarEvent Tickets Plus and Community EventsNamibiaNauruNebraskaNeed a language other than English? We've got you covered here.NepalNetherlandsNetworkNetwork SettingsNevadaNew %sNew %s Category NameNew Aggregator RecordNew CaledoniaNew HampshireNew ImportNew JerseyNew MexicoNew User PrimerNew YorkNew ZealandNew to The Events Calendar? Here's everything you need to get started.News For Events UsersNews and TutorialsNextNext %1$sNext DayNext dayNext monthNext month, %1$sNext pageNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo %1$s scheduled for %2$s.No %1$s scheduled for %2$s. %3$sNo %1$s were imported or updated.No %s foundNo %s found in TrashNo Additional CategoriesNo Aggregator Records found in Trash.No Aggregator Records found.No admin access requiredNo asynchronous queue processes to clear.No checkbox options specifiedNo data available in tableNo default categoryNo description providedNo event tags match the query or the requested page was not found.No file chosenNo importer defined for %sNo licence entered. Consult your network administrator.No matching %1$s listed under %2$s. Please try viewing the full calendar for a complete list of %3$s.No matching records foundNo notable changes detectedNo notable template changes detected.No previous %s No radio options specifiedNo results were found for %1$s in or near %2$s.No saved %s exists.No select options specifiedNo upcoming %1$s listed under %2$s. Check out upcoming %3$s for this category or view the full calendar.No upcoming Eventbrite events found.Non-existant field validation function passedNoneNone of your settings were saved. Please try again.Norfolk IslandNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaNorth MacedoniaNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNot connected to %sNovNovemberNull logger (will log nothing)Number of events to show per pageNumeric ArrayOKORM argOctOctoberOhioOklahomaOmanOnce Every 30 MinsOne TimeOne calendar. Countless ways to make it your own.One monthOne or more of the specified query variables has a bad formatOne weekOne-Time ImportOne-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Eventbrite on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Facebook on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all currently listed events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from Meetup on a set schedule. Single events can be added via a one-time import.One-time imports include all events in the current feed, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from the feed on a set schedule.One-time imports include currently listed upcoming events, while scheduled imports automatically grab new events and updates from this url on a set schedule.OngoingOnly errorsOnly includes enough css to achieve complex layouts like calendar and week view.Only scheduled import records can be edited.Open the dialogue windowOpen the modal windowOptionalOptions selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" and "Global Elements" sections.Options selected here will override what was selected in the "General Theme" section.Order sort attribute ascending or descendingOregonOrganizerOrganizer DescriptionOrganiser EmailOrganizer Featured ImageOrganiser NameOrganiser PhoneOrganiser WebsiteOrganizer information: name, phone, website, emailOrganizersOrganizers should be related to this eventOrganizers should contain the specified string in the title, description or custom fieldsOrganizers should have events associated to themOrganizers should have upcoming events associated to themOrigin:Other URLOther URL Import SettingsOther URLsOur flagship free calendarOur website’s %s is a great place to find tips and tricks for using and customizing our plugins.Override network licence keyOverwrite my event with any changes from the original source.PHP Render ContextPSST... Want a Discount?PakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayParent %s CategoryParent %s Category:Parent Aggregator Record:Past %sPaypal integrationPennsylvaniaPermanently delete events older thanPermission ErrorPeruPhilippinesPhone:PitcairnEvents cannot be imported because Facebook has returned an error. This could mean that the event ID does not exist, the event or source is marked as Private, or the event or source has been otherwise restricted by Facebook. You can %1$s.Meetup is no longer supporting API keys, and will restrict access using your existing key starting from August 2019. As an alternative, you should use OAuth2 and update The Events Calendar to the latest version. Learn more at %1$sMeetup is no longer supporting API keys, and has restricted access using your existing key starting from August 2019. As an alternative, you must use OAuth2 and update The Events Calendar to the latest version. Learn more at %1$s.Please authorize to continue onboarding.Please continue to wait while your preview is generated.Please log in to continuePlease log in to enable event imports from Eventbrite.Please log in to enable event imports from Facebook.Please log in to enable event imports from Meetup.Please log out and log back in as an admin accountPlease note that all hands-on support is provided via the help desk. You can email or tweet at us… ​but we will probably point you back to the help desk 😄Please note that to create new events through the Community Events submission form, a user must hold a website account on this domain. This information is retained in the local database. It is also possible to create events anonymously, if the site owner has this option enabled.Please provide a Eventbrite URL when importing from Eventbrite.Please provide a Meetup URL when importing from Meetup.Please provide the URL that you wish to import.Please provide the file that you wish to import.Please refresh the page and try your request again.Please wait while time zone data is added to your events.Please wait while your preview is fetched. and , Plugin ActivePlugin InactivePolandPortugalPost Title ColourPostal Code:Power up your calendar with ProPowered byPremium Add-OnsPremium supportPrevPreviewPreviousPrevious %1$sPrevious DayPrevious dayPrevious monthPrevious month, %1$sPrevious pagePrice Background ColourPrivacyProProblem loading the block, please remove this block to restart.PromoterPromoter All rights reserved.Promoter KeyPromoter would like to sync with your siteProtected: %sPublishing ControlPuerto RicoQatarQuick Links:Radius (%s)Radius:Random ImagesRate %1$sThe Events Calendar%2$s %3$sRate ItRating:Reach AttendeesRead moreRead moreRead more about our support policyRead more.ReadsReady to dig deeper? Our Knowledgebase can help you get the most out of The Events Calendar suite.Recent Template ChangesRecommended for all sites using the updated calendar views.Record: Records per pageRecurring eventRefine by date, location, or keywordRefine:Refresh your connection to EventbriteRefresh your connection to MeetupRegistered User SettingsRelease notesRemoving this scheduled import will stop automatic imports from the source. No events will be deleted.Renew Your Licence NowRenew your Event Aggregator Facebook tokenRenew your Event Aggregator licenceRenew your licence in order to import events from iCalendar, Google, or Meetup.Requires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by their venue latitude location, must also provide geoloc_lngRequires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by their venue longitude location, must also provide geoloc_latRequires Events Calendar Pro. Events should be filtered by whether their venue has geolocation dataRequires:RestoreRestore “%s” from the IgnoredReturn to plugins pageReturn to WordPress UpdatesReturns all the event categories matching the search criteriaReturns all the event tags matching the search criteriaReturns all the organizers matching the search criteriaReturns all the upcoming events matching the search criteriaReturns all the venues matching the search criteriaReturns the data of the created eventReturns the data of the created event categoryReturns the data of the created event tagReturns the data of the created organizerReturns the data of the created venueReturns the data of the event category with the specified term IDReturns the data of the event tag with the specified term IDReturns the data of the event with the specified post IDReturns the data of the organizer with the specified post IDReturns the data of the updated eventReturns the data of the updated event categoryReturns the data of the updated event tagReturns the data of the updated venueReturns the data of the venue with the specified post IDReturns the documentation for The Events Calendar REST API in Swagger consumable format.ReunionRewrite rules were purged on load of this help page. Chances are there is a rewrite rule flush occurring in a plugin or theme!Rhode IslandRight hereRomaniaRun ImportRun your own events marketplaceRussian FederationRwandaSão Tomé and PríncipeSaint BarthélemySaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and The GrenadinesSales reportingSamoaSan MarinoSatSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSave ChangesSave Scheduled ImportSave With A BundleSave over 20%Save over 25%Save with BundlesSchedule automated importsSchedule:Scheduled ImportScheduled ImportsScheduled import was successfully updated.Scheduled imports may not run reliablyScheduler StatusScroll down to Calendar Address and click the iCal button (note: if your calendar is private, you'll need to click the iCal button next to the Private Address header instead).SearchSearch %sSearch %s CategoriesSearch Aggregator RecordsSearch for %sSearch for eventsSearch our support help deskSearch:Segment your attendee listsSelect %sSelect AllSelect ColourSelect Content TypeSelect FrequencySelect Import TypeSelect OriginSelect SourceSelect a Country:Select a State or Province:Select all pagesSelect date.Select how often you would like events to be automatically imported.Select the Event Field that best matches your CSV file column. The contents of that column will then be mapped to the specified event field when the event is created.Select the date format used for elements with minimal space, such as in datepickers.Select your .CSV file from the WordPress media library. You may need to first upload the file from your computer to the library.Select your ICS file from the WordPress media library. You may need to first upload the file from your computer to the library.SenegalSepSeptemberSerbiaServer ConnectionSet Font ColoursSet the default currency symbol for event costs. Note that this only impacts future events, and changes made will not apply retroactively.SettingsSettings > GeneralSettings overviewSettings saved.SeychellesShapes and lines for visual interestShortcodesShow Custom Fields metaboxShow Featured Event ImagesShow MapShow Map Link:Show Map:Show The Events Calendar linkShow _MENU_ entriesShow commentsShow events with the site's other posts. When this box is checked, events will also continue to appear on the default events page.Show map by default on imported event and venuesShow time zoneShowing 0 to 0 of 0 entriesShowing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entriesSierra LeoneSign UpSingaporeSingle EventSingle event URL slugSint MaartenSite Licence KeySkeleton StylesSkipped:SkyfallSlideshowSlovakia (Slovak Republic)SloveniaSolomon IslandsSomaliaSomething went wrong while inserting the record in the database.Sorry, The Events Calendar requires PHP %s or higher. Talk to your Web host about moving you to a newer version of PHP.Sorry, The Events Calendar requires WordPress %s or higher. Please upgrade your WordPress install.Sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.Sorry, key validation server is not available.Sorry, unable to authenticate your site. Please contact Promoter support.Sort collection by term attributeSourceSource:South AfricaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaSouth Georgia, South Sandwich IslandsSpainSpecify the type of content you wish to import, e.g. events.Split commission with usersSri LankaStart DatetoStart TimeStart an import from this source now, regardless of schedule.Start date for Eventbrite Tickets is RequiredStart your upgradeStart/End:Start:StateState or Province:Status:Step 1 of 2Step 2 of 2Sticky in Month ViewStop all Event Aggregator imports from running. Existing imported events will not be affected. Imports via CSV file will still be available.Stop current processesStreamline your email processSuccessSuccess! The settings from Facebook Events have been migrated to Event Aggregator. You can view your migrated imports on the Scheduled Imports tab.Success! The settings from iCal Importer have been migrated to Event Aggregator. You can view your migrated imports on the Scheduled Imports tab.Successfully %s %d scheduled importSuccessfully connected Event Aggregator to FacebookSuccessfully connected to EventbriteSuccessfully disconnected EventbriteSuccessfully fetched Eventbrite TokenSuccessfully fetched Facebook TokenSuccessfully loaded import originsSuccessfully marked event for import from EventbriteSuccessfully stopped and cleared 1 asynchronous queue process.Successfully stopped and cleared %d asynchronous queue processes.Successfully synced event to EventbriteSudanSuggested text:SunSundaySunshineSupportSupport for The Events CalendarSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsEswatiniSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicSystem InformationTEC LogoTagsTags:TaiwanTajikistanTanzania, United Republic ofTemplate overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: %sTemplate overrides should be moved to the correct subdirectory: tribe_get_template_part('%s')Templates introduced or updated with this release (%s):Temporary file not found. Could not save %s.TennesseeTermsTest for a theme or plugin conflictTexasText ArrayThailandThank you for using %s! All of us at The Events Calendar sincerely appreciate your support and we’re excited to see you using our plugins.Thanks for activating Event Aggregator! It looks like you have some settings and imports configured on our legacy importer plugins. To complete your transition, we need to transfer those options to our new system.Thanks for installing The Events Calendar! Here are some handy resources for getting started with our plugins.Thanks for setting up a valid key. It will expire on %spageCreate or Find %sFind %1$s %2$sThe %3$s "%1$s" uses the "/%2$s" slug: the Events Calendar plugin will show its calendar in place of the page.The 'categories' parameter contains invalid category slugs or IDsThe 'end_date' parameter must be in a supported formatThe 'page' parameter must be a positive integer greater than 1The 'per_page' parameter must be a positive integer greater than 1The 'search' parameter must be a stringThe 'start_date' parameter must be in a supported formatThe 'tags' parameter contains invalid tag slugs or IDsThe Action Logger will dispatch any logging message using the "tribe_log" action writing, by default, to the PHP error log.The Asynchronous import process is faster and does not rely on WordPress Cron but might not work correctly in all WordPress installations, try switching to the Cron-based process for maximum compatibility.The CSV file cannot be found. You may need to re-upload the file.The Event Aggregator API responded with bad data. Please contact support.The Events CalendarThe Events Calendar - View V2The Events Calendar ContextThe Events Calendar JSON-LD DataThe Events Calendar REST APIThe Events Calendar REST API allows accessing upcoming events information easily and conveniently.The Events Calendar brand logoThe Events Calendar comes with an API key for basic maps functionality. If you’d like to use more advanced features like custom map pins or dynamic map loads, you’ll need to get your own %1$s. %2$s.The Events Calendar could not write WPML default config file: please create the file manually.The Events Calendar is API is not providing the site origin correctly.The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events.The Events Calendar is a carefully crafted, extensible plugin that lets you easily share your events. Beautiful. Solid. Awesome.The Events Calendar logoThe Events Calendar suite offers the use of third-party API keys. The primary functions are to enhance the features we've built in, some of which use Google Maps, PayPal, Eventbrite, and Meetup. These API keys are not supplied by The Events Calendar.The Meetup API key is required.The TEC REST API link to fetch this eventThe URL provided could not be reached.The URL provided failed to load.The URL to the event pageThe URL to the full size version of the imageThe URL to the organizer pageThe URL to the term archive pageThe URL to the venue pageGeorgiaThe WordPress term IDThe abbreviated event time zone stringThe above setting was not saved. Other settings were successfully saved.The above settings were not saved. Other settings were successfully saved.The archive page to return(required)The batch registered does not have all the required fields.The cost currency symbolGeorgiaThe currency symbol normally precedes the value. Enabling this option positions the symbol after the value.The current URL for your events page is %1$s.

You cannot edit the slug for your events page as you do not have pretty permalinks enabled. In order to edit the slug here, enable pretty permalinks.The current interval, in seconds, between the end of a batch process and the start of the next; as set on the server.The current status of the import.The current user cannot delete the event category with the specified term ID.The current user cannot delete the event tag with the specified term ID.The current user cannot delete the event with the specified ID.The current user cannot delete the organizer with the specified ID.The current user cannot delete the venue with the specified ID.The daily limit of %d import requests to the Event Aggregator service has been reached. Please try again later.The date dayThe date hourThe date minutesThe date monthThe date secondsThe date yearNowThe default event category for eventsThe default event category for events imported via .ics filesThe default event category for events imported via CSVThe default event category for events imported via EventbriteThe default event category for events imported via Google CalendarThe default event category for events imported via MeetupThe default event category for events imported via iCalendarThe default event category for events imported via other URLsThe default post status for eventsThe default post status for events imported via .ics filesThe default post status for events imported via CSVThe default post status for events imported via EventbriteThe default post status for events imported via Google CalendarThe default post status for events imported via MeetupThe default post status for events imported via iCalendarThe default post status for events imported via other URLsUpcoming EventsThe details about each size available for the imageThe details of your calendar plugin and settings is often needed for you or our staff to help troubleshoot an issue. Please opt-in below to automatically share your system information with our support team. This will allow us to assist you faster if you post in our help desk.The e-mail address will be obfuscated on this site to avoid it getting harvested by spammers.The event ID is missing from the requestThe event ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe event WordPress post IDThe event author IDThe event author WordPress post IDThe event categoriesThe event category ID or nameThe event category descriptionThe event category nameThe event category slugThe event category term ID is missing or does not exist.The event category term ID is missing.The event category with the specified term ID could not be deleted.The event category with the specified term ID has been deleted already.The event costThe event cost detailsThe event cost including the currency symbolThe event could not be deletedThe event could not be updatedThe event creation date in UTC timeThe event creation date in the site time zoneThe event descriptionThe event does not have a venue assignedThe event does not have an organizer assignedThe event end date and timeThe event end date in UTC timeThe event end date in the event or site time zoneThe event excerptThe event featured image ID or URLThe event featured image details if setThe event is already trashedThe event last modification date in UTC timeThe event last modification date in the site time zoneThe event long descriptionThe event nameThe event organizer IDs or dataThe event organizersThe event post ID is missing or does not exist.The event post ID is missing.The event post statusThe event publication dateThe event publication date (UTC time zone)The event short descriptionThe event slugThe event start date and timeThe event start date in UTC timeThe event start date in the event or site time zoneThe event statusThe event tag ID or nameThe event tag descriptionThe event tag nameThe event tag slugThe event tag term ID is missing or does not exist.The event tag term ID is missing.The event tag with the specified term ID could not be deleted.The event tag with the specified term ID has been deleted already.The event tagsThe event time zoneThe event time zone stringThe event titleThe event venueThe event website URLThe event with the specified ID could not be deleted.The event with the specified ID has been deleted already.The event with the specified ID is not accessible.The file provided could not be opened. Please confirm that it is a properly formatted .ics file.The following fields are required for a successful import:The following preview does not necessarily contain all of the data from your CSV file. The data displayed below is meant as a guide to help you map your CSV file's columns to the appropriate Event fields.The following three fields accept the date format options available to the PHP %1$s function. Learn how to make your own date format here.The function needs to be passed an $event or used in the loop.The hash of the next expected batch, as previously provided by the clientThe image WordPress post IDThe image associated with your event could not be attached to the event.The image associated with your event could not be imported.The image associated with your event is not accessible with your API key.The image file extensionThe image height in pixels in the specified sizeThe image mime-typeThe image natural height in pixelsThe image natural width in pixelsThe image width in pixels in the specified sizeThe import being fetched is not queued up for importing. Please try the import again.The import failed for an unknown reason. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact support.The import is in progress.The import record is missing the origin.The import unique ID as provided by Event Aggregator serviceThe import will be starting soon.Show:Title:Generate JSON-LD dataHide this widget if there are no upcoming events.Limit to featured events onlyThe last time this event was imported and/or updated via import.The link to the image in the specified size on the siteEvents ListThe new status message for the user, not localized.The new status message slug, to allow for localized messages.The new status of the import.The next import is scheduled for %1$s.The number of event categories to return on each pageThe number of event tags to return on each pageThe number of events available in the preview may be limited by your %1$sImport Settings.%2$sThe number of events per page on the List View. Does not affect other views.The number of events per page on the List, Photo, and Map Views. Does not affect other views.The number of events to return on each pageThe number of organizers to return on each pageThe number of posts associated with the termThe number of venues to return on each pageThe organizer ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe organizer WordPress post IDThe organizer author IDThe organizer author WordPress post IDThe organizer could not be created from the provided dataThe organizer could not be deletedThe organizer could not be updatedThe organizer creation date in UTC timeThe organizer creation date in the site time zoneThe organizer descriptionThe organizer e-mail addressThe organizer email addressThe organizer featured image ID or URLThe organizer is already trashedThe organizer last modification date in UTC timeThe organizer last modification date in the site time zoneThe organizer long descriptionThe organizer nameThe organizer phone numberThe organizer post ID is missing or does not exist.The organizer post ID is missing.The organizer post statusThe organizer publication dateThe organizer publication date (UTC time zone)The organizer short descriptionThe organizer slugThe organizer statusThe organizer websiteThe organizer with the specified ID could not be deleted.The organizer with the specified ID has been deleted already.The organizer with the specified ID is not accessible.The percentage of import completed.Some events at the requested source are missing the UID attribute required by the iCalendar Specification. Creating a scheduled import would generate duplicate events on each import. Instead, please use a One-Time import or contact the source provider to fix the UID issue; linking them to %s may help them more quickly resolve their feed's UID issue.Some events at the requested source are missing the UID attribute required by the iCalendar Specification. One-Time and ICS File imports are allowed but successive imports will create duplicated events on your site. Please contact the source provider to fix the UID issue; linking them to %s may help them more quickly resolve their feed's UID issue.The plugins you need at one discounted priceThe position of the currency symbol in the cost stringThe preview is taking longer than expected. Please try again in a moment.The provided linked post ID is not validThe records you were attempting to import were still not available when this queue was processed. Please try again.The request was sent insecurely.The request wasn't sent from this tab.The requested URL does not have any upcoming and published events matching the search criteria.The requested event archive page does not existThe requested event is not accessibleThe requested event term archive page does not existThe requested organizer archive page does not existThe requested organizer is not accessibleThe requested page was not found.The requested post ID does not exist or is not an eventThe requested post ID does not exist or is not an organizerThe requested post ID does not exist or is not an venueThe requested source does not have any upcoming and published events matching the search criteria.The requested venue archive page does not existThe requested venue is not accessibleThe response from the Event Aggregator server was badly formed and could not be understood. Please try again.The selected log file is empty or has not been generated yet.The server is not currently respondingThe server is responding with an error:The service has disabled oAuth. Some types of events may not import.The slug used for building the events URL.The taxonomy the term belongs toThe term descriptionThe term nameThe term parent term if anyThe term slugThe user is not authorized to create event categoriesThe user is not authorized to create event tagsThe user is not authorized to create eventsThe user is not authorized to create organizersThe user is not authorized to create venuesThe venue ID used to globally identify in Event AggregatorThe venue WordPress post IDThe venue Postal CodeThe venue addressThe venue author IDThe venue author WordPress post IDThe venue cityThe venue could not be created from the provided dataThe venue could not be deletedThe venue could not be updatedThe venue countryThe venue creation date in UTC timeThe venue creation date in the site time zoneThe venue descriptionThe venue geo latitudeThe venue geo longitudeThe venue is already trashedThe venue last modification date in UTC timeThe venue last modification date in the site time zoneThe venue long descriptionThe venue nameThe venue phone numberThe venue post ID is missing or does not exist.The venue post ID is missing.The venue post statusThe venue provinceThe venue publication dateThe venue publication date (UTC time zone)The venue short descriptionThe venue slugThe venue stateThe venue state and provinceThe venue state or provinceThe venue statusThe venue website URLThe venue with the specified ID could not be deleted.The venue with the specified ID has been deleted already.The venue with the specified ID is not accessible.Themer's GuideThere is a new version of %1$s available. %2$sThere is an JSON error with the Event Aggregator server. Please try your import again later.There is an update available for %1$s but your licence has expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your licence.%3$sUpdates are available for %1$s but your licence keys have expired. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website to renew your licences.%3$sThere may be an issue with the Event Aggregator server. Please try your import again later.There was a problem processing your import. Please try again.There was an error building the record queue: There was an error fetching the results from your import:There were no Legacy Events to be Migrated, you are ready to rock!There were no results found for %s.There were no results found for "%1$s" this month.There were no results found for "%1$s".There were no results found for this view.There were no results found for this view. %1$sThere were no results found.There’s a new version of %1$s available, but your licence is expired. You’ll need to renew your licence to get access to the latest version. If you plan to continue using your current version of the plugin(s), be sure to use a compatible version of The Events Calendar. %2$sThese APIs may include the following third party services: Google Maps (API key), Meetup (OAuth token), PayPal (email, Client ID, Client Secret), Eventbrite (API key, auth URL, Client Secret), and Zoom (email, Client ID, Client Secret).These settings control the appearance of the single event pages.These settings impact all list-style views, including List View and Day View.These settings will also apply to events imported in the future via this scheduled import.Third Party AccountsThis %s has passed.This calendar is powered by The Events Calendar.This event is all day on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event is all day starting on %%startdatenoyear%% and ending on %%enddatewithyear%%.This event is at %%starttime%% on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event is from %%starttime%% to %%endtime%% on %%startdatewithyear%%.This event starts at %%starttime%% on %%startdatenoyear%% and ends at %%endtime%% on %%enddatewithyear%%This event starts at %%starttime%% on %%startdatenoyear%% and ends on %%enddatewithyear%%This event will not be re-imported and changes made locally will be preserved.This information is only for guidance and not to be considered as legal advice.This information serves as a guide on what sections need to be modified due to usage of The Events Calendar and its Add-ons.This is a preview of the type of content you will be getting in during the import based on what is on the calendar now.This is especially true if you have made any code customizations to your calendar.This is where all of the global network settings for The Events Calendar can be modified.This option allows you to automatically move past events to trash.This option allows you to bulk delete past events. Be careful and backup your database before removing your events as there is no way to reverse the changes.This webhook action is not currently supported.Three monthsThree weeksThrough the usage of The Events Calendar, Events Calendar PRO, The Events Calendar Filter Bar, Eventbrite Tickets, and Community Events plugins, as well as our Event Aggregator Import service (contained within The Events Calendar plugin), information may be collected and stored within your website’s database.ThuThursdayTicket availability automatically updatesTicket sales, attendee management, and email marketing for your eventsTicket scanning with mobile appTicketsTime & DateTime Zone:Time range separatorTime zone modeTime:Time zone supportTo allow better control over dates, advanced security improvements and performance gain.To continue using The Events Calendar, please install the latest version ofTo continue using scheduled imports, please enter a valid Event Aggregator licence key under %1$sEvents > Settings > Licences%2$s.To import Meetup events, please be sure to add your Meetup API key on %1$sEvents > Settings > Integrations%2$sTodayTogoTokelauTongaTranslationsTransparentTrinidad and TobagoTroubleshooting common problemsTry to adjust your import settings and try again.TueTuesdayTunisiaTurbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.TurkeyTurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTurn the venue name for your event into a clickable URL — a great way to link directly to a venue’s website or a virtual meeting.TutorialTuvaluTwo monthsTwo weeksURL:UgandaUkraineUltimate BundleUnable to attach an image to the eventUnable to continue inserting data. Please reload this page to continue/try again.Unable to find a matching post.Unable to find an event with the ID of %s.Unable to find an import record with the ID of %s.Unable to get a post of the correct type.Unable to process this import - a breakage or conflict may have resulted in the import halting.Unable to run Tribe Extensions. Your website host is running PHP 5.2 or older, and has likely disabled or misconfigured debug_backtrace(). You, or your website host, will need to upgrade PHP or properly configure debug_backtrace() for Tribe Extensions to work.Unable to save credentialsUnable to save scheduled import instance. Please try again.Unable to save scheduled import. Please try again.UndoUnique System Info Key GeneratedUnite the power of TEC with the ticketing of EventbriteUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnknownUnknown Column Unknown or not setUnknown service messageUnnamed %sUnnamed VenueUnsupportedUpcoming %sUpdate %s CategoryUpdate AuthorityUpdate Time Zone DataUpdate complete: time zone data has been added to all events in the database.Update now to version %s.Updated:UpgradeUpgrade PluginUpgrade your calendar viewsUpgrade your calendar.UploadUpload a CSV FileUpload an ICS FileUruguayUse GeneralUse global import settingsUse manual time zones for each eventUse the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from Eventbrite.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this Google Calendar.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this iCalendar feed.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from this site.Use the filters to narrow down which events are fetched from your ICS file.Use the following panel of your customizer to change the styling of your Calendar and Event pages.Use the options below to configure your imports. Global Import Settings apply to all imports, but you can also override the global settings by adjusting the origin-specific options. Check your Event Aggregator Service Status on the %1$s.Use the options below to configure your imports. Looking for more ways to import events from other websites?Use the site-wide time zone everywhereUse this shortcode to display events that are currently in progress, like webinars and livestreams.Use this to share calendar data with Google Calendar, Apple iCal and other compatible appsUsers submit events and sell ticketsUsers submit events to your calendarUsing stylesheets and page templatesUsing this function before "plugins_loaded" action has fired can return unreliable results.UtahUzbekistanValid Key! Expires on %sValueVanuatuVenezuelaVenueVenue AddressVenue Address 2Venue CityVenue CountryVenue DescriptionVenue Featured ImageVenue NameVenue PhoneVenue StateVenue State/ProvinceVenue URLVenue WebsiteVenue ZipVenue Zip CodeVenue information: name, address, city, country, province, postal code, phone, website, geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude)VenuesVenues should be related to this eventVenues should contain the specified string in the title, description or custom fieldsVenues should have events associated to themVenues should have upcoming events associated to themVermontVietnamViewView %sView Aggregator RecordView All Add-OnsView All Scheduled ImportsView CalendarView EventsView FiltersView My CalendarView Welcome PageView all %sView and manage your licence keysView more %1$s.View your event categoriesView your event organizersView your event tagsView your event venuesView your scheduled imports.Views NavigationVirgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)VirginiaVirtual EventsVisit the Add-on PageWP Cron enabledWP Cron not enabledWallis and Futuna IslandsWant this emailed to you?Want to dive deeper?Want to take your events to the next level?Warnings and errorsWashingtonWe are committed to helping make your calendar spectacular and have a wealth of resources available, including a handy %s to get your calendar up and running.We can help with thatWe did not find any Facebook Events settings to migrate.We did not find any iCal Importer settings to migrate.We hope you love %1$sWe make use of certain APIs, in order to provide specific features.We recommend a 16:9 aspect ratio for featured images.We recommend making this update on a %1$sstaging site%2$s.We send out discounts to our core users via our newsletter.We've packaged our most popular plugins into bundles jam-packed with value.We've redesigned all of the calendar views to give you and your users a better experience. Beyond a brand new look, we've optimized every design for mobile and introduced key improvements for each view.Webhook not registered properly.Website URL CTAWebsite:WedWednesdayWelcome to The Events Calendar!West VirginiaWestern SaharaWhat personal data we collect and why we collect itWhen events are sticky in month view, they'll display first in the list of events shown within a given day block.When importing from a website that uses The Events Calendar, the REST API will attempt to fetch events this far in the future. That website's hosting resources may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period may improve results.When importing from an event source, this is how far into the future the events will be fetched; on slower websites a larger date range may impact the success of imports. Selecting a shorter time period may improve results.When importing from an event source, this is the maximum number of events that will be imported; on slower websites this may impact the success of imports. Setting this to a smaller number may improve results.When purchasing Eventbrite Tickets, attendee, purchaser, and order information are stored and managed by Eventbrite.When this import was last scheduled to run, the daily limit for your Event Aggregator licence had already been reached.When users click on the event title, they’ll be taken right to the source of your event, offering a direct route to join.When using The Events Calendar, we recommend that you use a geographic time zone such as "America/Los_Angeles" and avoid using a UTC time zone offset such as “%2$s”.When you save this scheduled import, the events above will begin importing.Where We Send Your DataWhere's my calendar?Whether an event is sticky in the calendar view or notWhether an event should be hidden from the calendar view or notWhether events linked to the venue should show a map link or notWhether events linked to the venue should show a map or notWhether events should be hidden in the calendar view or notWhether or not this event is an all day EventWhether the event is featured in the calendar or notWhether the event lasts the whole day or notWhether the event should be featured on the site or notWhether the event should be sticky in the calendar view or notWhether the event should show a map link or notWhether the event should show a map or notWhether the map link should be shown for the event or notWhether the map link should be shown for the venue or notWhether the map should be shown for the event or notWhether the map should be shown for the venue or notWhether to hide terms not assigned to any postsWhile the resources above help solve a majority of the issues we see, there are times you might be looking for extra support. If you need assistance using our plugins and would like us to take a look, please follow these steps:Why am I being told my licence key is out of installs?WidgetWidgetsWisconsinWithout a defined location your event will not display a %sGoogle Rich Snippet%s on the search results.WooCommerce compatibilityWordPress WordPress 5.7 includes a major jQuery update that may cause compatibility issues with past versions of The Events Calendar, Event Tickets and other plugins.Works with Google Calendar, Meetup, and moreWritesWyoming%1$s (km)%1$s (mi)YYYY-MM-DDYemenYesYes, automatically share my system information with The Events Calendar's support teamYou are approaching your daily import limit. You may want to adjust your Scheduled Import frequencies.You are running Version %s and deserve a hug :-)You are up to date!You are using The Events Calendar's built-in Google Maps API key.You are using WordPress 5.7 which included a major jQuery update that may cause compatibility issues with past versions of The Events Calendar, Event Tickets and other plugins.You are using a custom Google Maps API key.You can always check the status of your licences by logging in to %1$syour account on theeventscalendar.com%2$s.You can find the url you need in your Google Calendar settings.You can make changes to imported events via The Events Calendar and see those changes reflected on your site’s calendar. The owner of the original event source (e.g. the iCalendar feed or Meetup group) might also make changes to their event. If you choose to re-import an altered event (manually or via a scheduled import), any changes made at the source or on your calendar will need to be addressed.You cannot delete a history record (ID: "%d"). You do not have a licenceYou do not have access to authenticate this site.You do not have an active connection to Eventbrite through your account and Event Aggregator.You do not have an active connection to Meetup through your account and Event Aggregator.You do not have permission to delete this record.You do not have permission to migrate Facebook Events settings to Event AggregatorYou do not have permission to migrate Legacy Ignored EventsYou do not have permission to migrate iCal Importer settings to Event AggregatorYou don't have permission to do that.You have a licence key for %1$s but the key is out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your licence, or purchase a new one.You have licence keys for %1$s but your keys are out of installs. %2$sVisit the Events Calendar website%3$s to manage your installs, upgrade your licences, or purchase new ones.You have changed the recurrence rules of this %1$s. Saving the %1$s will update all future %2$s. If you did not mean to change all %2$s, then please refresh the page.You have not connected Event Aggregator to EventbriteYou have not connected Event Aggregator to MeetupYou have reached your daily import limit. Scheduled imports will be paused until tomorrow.You must enter an Event Aggregator licence key in Events > Settings > Licences before using this service.You must map columns from the CSV file to specific fields in order to perform a CSV import.You must provide a valid CSV file to perform a CSV import.You must select at least one view.You must use an integer to reduce the daily import limitYou need to connect Event Aggregator to Eventbrite to import your events from Eventbrite.You need to connect Event Aggregator to Meetup to import your events from Meetup.You need to connect to Eventbrite for Event Aggregator to work properlyYou need to connect to Meetup for Event Aggregator to work properlyYou need to upgrade!You should include the information below in the correct sections of you privacy policy.You're all set!You've requested a non-existent tab.Your Event Aggregator Facebook token expired %s.Your Event Aggregator Facebook token will expire %s.Your Event Aggregator licence is expired.Your Meetup API key is invalid.Your Scheduled Import has been updated!Your emailYour form had the following errors:Your import is currently in progress. Don't worry, you can safely navigate away–the import will continue in the background.Your import must include at least one eventYour licence is invalidYour licence is validYour preview doesn't have any records to import.Your preview is taking a bit longer than expected, but it is still being generated.Your scheduled import was saved and the first import is complete!Your system information will only be used by The Events Calendar's support team. All information is stored securely. We do not share this information with any third parties.Your update failed due to an incompatibility between the version (%1$s) of the %2$s you tried to update to and the version of %3$s that you are using. %4$sZambiaZimbabweAggregator RecordAggregator RecordsDailyEvery 15 minutesEvery 30 MinutesHourlyMonthlyOn DemandWeeklyallallall timeandand %s post moved to Ignored.and %s posts moved to Ignored.at approximatelybased on %s versionbook with The Events Calendar logocategory%s Category%s Categoriesclick hereclick here to edit it# ImportedFrequencyLast ImportSourceTypeWhenday%1$s for %2$sdeactivateddeleteedit Events settings.eventDraftDraft (%s)Draft (%s)FailedFailed (%s)Failed (%s)ImportedImported (%s)Imported (%s)PendingPending (%s)Pending (%s)ScheduleSchedule (%s)Schedule (%s)eventbrite.com/e/example-12345eventsexample.com/example.com/url.icsThis extension has been programmatically disallowed. The most common reason is due to another The Events Calendar plugin having absorbed or replaced this extension's functionality. This extension plugin has been deactivated, and you should likely delete it.facebook.com/examplefeaturedFeatured %s»%1$s and %2$sg:i ahttps://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/example/basic.icshttps://evnt.is/1afbhttps://evnt.is/1xabout %s agoiCal ImporterEvents for %siCalendariCalendar Import Settingsillustration of a book with The Events Calendar logoillustration of a phone screen with a person's faceillustration of a thought lightbulb coming from a bookillustration of an event moving from one calendar to anotherillustration of characters being translatedin about %sretrying in about %sConnect to EventbriteConnect to MeetupRead more about Ignored Events.listlist of available functionsNone currently availableNone currently availablemeetup.com/examplemonth%1$s for %2$snewwith function name:n/aone monthone weekopen-source forum on WordPress.orgopens in a new windoworganizerorganizerspage%1$s of %2$spastpost a threadpost moved to Ignored.posts moved to Ignored.Aggregator RecordsAggregator Recordpremium support on our websitequeuedreactivatedread more about Facebook restrictions in our knowledgebaseAdd Newvia All (%s)All (%s)screenshot of updated calendar viewssee all at , tagthe UID part of the iCalendar Specificationthe event category term IDthe event post IDthe event post namethe event tag term ID and the organizer post IDthe organizer post namethe venue post IDthe venue post namethree monthsthree weekstimezone settingsto change how the actual time is displayed on your calendar.to create your own free Google Maps API key.to learn more about using it with The Events Calendartodaytwo monthstwo weeksunknown dateupcomingupdatedvenuevenuesversion data missing from overrideretrying at %syou can modify this setting here.